Connectionists: Postdoctoral Position in Cognitive Computational Modeling and Computational Psychiatry, UC Davis

Randall O'Reilly oreilly at
Thu Jan 7 01:38:34 EST 2021

Postdoctoral Position in Cognitive Computational Modeling and Computational Psychiatry

Center for Neuroscience and the Imaging Research Center at UC Davis

PI's: Randall O'Reilly & Cameron Carter

We are recruiting for a post-doctoral scholar who will be trained jointly in the labs of Randy O’Reilly and Cameron Carter at the Center for Neuroscience and the Imaging Research Center at UC Davis, focusing on the role of frontal-striatal circuitry in health and in disease.  The successful candidate will have a PhD in Psychology, Neuroscience or a related field such as computer science or engineering.   Training will include theoretical approaches and the development and application of neurobioloigically informed computational models of higher cognition. The candidate will focus on the validation of these models using existing or new data sets (EEG, fMRI) and the application of the models to provide a more mechanistically informed interpretation of the neural underpinnings of impaired cognition and other symptoms in serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and other psychoses.  Experience with computational modeling and data analysis of EEG and fMRI data is very desirable and will be evaluated on an individual basis.  Interested candidates should contact either Dr. O’Reilly (oreilly at or Dr. Carter (cscarter at with a note describing their interest in training with us and a copy of their CV and any relevant publications.

UC Davis is committed to a diverse and inclusive environment and applications from individuals with diverse or under-represented backgrounds are strongly encouraged. 

- Randy

Dr. Randall C. O'Reilly   
Professor, Department of Psychology and Computer Science
Center for Neuroscience, UC Davis
1544 Newton Court
Davis CA 95618

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