Connectionists: Call for papers for the IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning ICDL 2021 (11th edition of the ICDL-EPIROB Conference)

Alessandra alessandra.sciutti at
Sun Jan 3 10:24:32 EST 2021

Happy 2021!

For a good start, here it is the second call for papers for ICDL 2021.




IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL) 2021

(11th edition of ICDL-EPIROB)


Conference dates: August 23rd-26th, 2021

Web page:  <>

An IEEE Computational Society-sponsored conference

Location: Beijing, China (Due to the influence of COVID-19, IEEE ICDL 2021
may be held virtually.)


Paper Submission Deadline: February 15th, 2021

Tutorial and Workshops Submission Deadline: February 1st, 2021 

Journal Track Submission Deadline: April 28th, 2021

==== Overview ====

The IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL),
previously referred to as ICDL-EpiRob, is the premier gathering of
professionals dedicated to the advancement of cognitive and developmental
learning. As such, ICDL is a unique conference gathering researchers from
computer science, robotics, psychology and developmental science.

We invite submissions for the conference in 2021 to explore, extend, and
consolidate the interdisciplinary boundaries of this exciting research
field, in the form of full papers, workshop and tutorials and of submissions
to the journal track. We also invite your participation in the REAL 2021


==== Topics ====


The primary list of topics of interest include (but are not limited to):


.         General principles of development and learning;

.         Development of skills in biological systems and robots;

.         Nature VS nurture, critical periods and developmental stages;

.         Models on active learning;

.         Architectures for cognitive development and life-long learning;

.         Emergence of body knowledge and affordance perception;

.         Analysis and modelling of human motion and state;

.         Models for prediction, planning and problem solving;

.         Models of human-human and human-robot interaction;

.         Emergence of verbal and non-verbal communication skills;

.         Epistemological foundations and philosophical issues;

.         Models of child development from experimental psychology.


==== Full Papers ====

Papers of at most 6 pages in IEEE double column format will undergo
peer-review, and accepted and presented submissions will be included in the
conference proceedings published by IEEE Xplore. The authors of the best
conference papers will be invited to extend their contributions for a
Special Issue of IEEE Transaction on Cognitive and Developmental Systems
(IEEE TCDS). The detailed instructions for the submission can be found here:


==== Workshops and Tutorials ===


We invite experts in different areas to organize either a tutorial or a
workshop to be held on the first day of the conference. The submission
should be of maximum two pages including title, list of speakers, concept
and target audience. It should include also a description of the structure
of the event, the indication of the duration (half day or full day) and it
should state whether the event is open to paper/poster submissions. If
possible, a link to the event website should be provided. The detailed
instructions for the submission can be found here:


==== Journal Track and Competition ====


We highly recommend the submission in Journal Track to discuss important
results related to cognitive and developmental systems recently published as
journal articles, but not been previously presented as conference papers.
All submissions must include in a single PDF the details of the original
journal paper and a cover letter to explain why the authors believe that the
paper is central for ICDL. The detailed instructions for the submission can
be found here:  <> 


We also strongly expect your participation in the REAL 2021 competition. The
REAL competition addresses open-ended learning with a focus on "Robot
open-Ended Autonomous Learning" (REAL)", that is, on systems that: (a)
acquire sensorimotor competence that allows them to interact with objects
and physical environments; (b) learn in a fully autonomous way, i.e. with no
human intervention. Find all the details here:


==== Important Dates ====


Conference dates: August 23rd-26th, 2021


Paper Submission deadline: February 15th, 2021

Paper Author notification: April 15th, 2021 

Camera ready due: May 15th, 2021


Tutorial and Workshops Submission Deadline: February 1st, 2021 

Tutorial and Workshops Author notification: April 15th, 2021


Journal Track Submission Deadline: April 28th, 2021

Journal Track Notification: May 20th, 2021




Best regards,


Program Chairs

Alessandra Sciutti (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy)

Jing Chen (Peking University, China)


Publication Chair

Weiwei Wan (Osaka University, Japan) 


General Chairs

Dingsheng Luo (Peking University, China)

Angelo Cangelosi (University of Manchester, UK)




Alessandra Sciutti (PhD)

Researcher Tenure Track - P.I. CONTACT Unit

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - Genova, Italy

tel: +39 010  2897 327

Currently editing a Research Topic on Affective Shared Perception

Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience and Frontiers in Robotics and AI. 

Interested in submitting?



website:  <>

ERC website:  <> 

TEDx talk (Italian):  <> 

twitter: @alefreedot







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