Connectionists: 15 PhD positions in Translational Vision Science, OptiVis project

Peter König pkoenig at
Wed Feb 17 05:12:41 EST 2021

15 PhD positions in Translational Vision Science

It is essential to know what visually impaired individuals can do with
their residual vision in daily life activities, otherwise known as their
"functional vision". Conventional ophthalmic tests (e.g. visual field
tests) are able to detect the extent of a visual defect, but they yield
little information about functional vision. This lack of appropriate
tests impedes the optimal practice of diagnostics (in ophthalmic and
neurological care, in particular of children and elderly),
rehabilitation and classification (essential in sports competitions).

Our European MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE Innovative Training Network (ITN)
OptiVisT aims to resolve this by (1) gaining new Insights: i.e. a
fundamental understanding of the visual demands of activities of daily
living and sports; (2) developing Solutions: i.e. creating new
objective, inclusive and engaging tools for testing, training and
augmenting functional vision; and (3) the Application of 1 and 2:
evaluating the effectiveness of our new tools in diagnostics,
rehabilitation and classification in practice.

Are you, like us, fascinated by vision, the brain and technology and
consider it important to help visually impaired people? Do you have an
inquisitive mind, and are you looking for a PhD position embedded in an
international innovative training network in which you can develop your
research, technical or clinical skills? Then consider applying with
OptiVisT and join one of our 15 PhD projects (overview below). We offer
PhD positions in academia, medical, technology and rehabilitation
institutes, and high-tech companies.

Curious to see and hear more about what it means to be part of such
Innovative Training Network? Check out these two short movies about our
previous ITNs NextGenVis and EGRET+.

If you are interested in one of our PhD positions, visit our website
( for more information on our application procedures.
The deadline for applying for this project is February 28th, 2021.
General questions can be directed to info at Project specific
questions can be directed to the project contacts as mentioned on the

Best, Peter König (on behalf of the Optivis Consortium)
Prof. Dr. Peter König, Institute of Cognitive Science, University Osnabrück

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