Connectionists: Request for info related to hardware for perceptrons

Prof Leslie Smith l.s.smith at
Sat Dec 18 06:59:49 EST 2021

Dear all:

I'm writing a paper on hardware for Neural networks, and I recollect that
in the 1960's there was a discrete-transistor-sized adaptive resistor
developed for perceptrons, possibly by Rosenblatt. I can't find any record
of it, or anything in USPTO: can anyone supply me with a link or a paper
on it?

with much thanks (and apologies too: I can't currently get into my office
to look at my old papers)

--Leslie Smith

Prof Leslie Smith (Emeritus)
Computing Science & Mathematics,
University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA
Scotland, UK
Tel +44 1786 467435

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