Connectionists: CFP - DEVIANCE 2021 Workshop on Deviant Activities on Social Media Co-located with 2021 IEEE Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2021) December 15-18, 2021

Esther Mead elmead at
Fri Aug 27 18:58:23 EDT 2021

DEVIANCE 2021 Workshop on Deviant Activities on Social Media

Co-located with 2021 IEEE Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2021)

December 15-18, 2021 (due to COVID-19 the workshop will be held virtually)



With the proliferation of smart devices, mobile applications, and social
network platforms, the social side effects of these technologies have
become more profound, especially in social and political disintegration.
Several journalistic and academic investigations have reported that modern
communication platforms such as social media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook,
blogs, YouTube, and the “deep web” channels) are strategically used to
coordinate various deviant activities such as cyber propaganda
campaigns. Several
researchers have studied these deviant activities  and identified various
tactics, techniques, and procedures used by various online deviant groups,
e.g., online propagandist groups,terrorist groups sympathizers, black-hat
hacker groups, and internet trolls. Various social media platforms utilized
the research findings to detect and curb some of these deviant activities.
However, the techniques that are used by the aforementioned deviant groups
evolve and adapt to go on undetected. This is a growing problem on social
media that needs to be explored and solved.

In this workshop, our aim is to have a scientific discussion among the
experts who study deviant activities on social media, including but not
limited to, detection of deviant/disruptive behaviors on social media;
misinformation detection, identification, and dissemination; case studies
of misinformation; etc. This includes, but is not limited to, the following

Research Topics:


   Misinformation detection

   Misinformation dissemination tactics such as misdirection,
   hashtag-latching, smoke screening

   Multiple platform orchestration (cross-platform dissemination strategies)

   Algorithmic manipulation such as exploiting recommendation algorithm
   bias manipulation

   Deviant behaviors on social media platforms such as cyber bullying,
   organized hacking

   Spamming, spear phishing through social media channels

   Coordination strategies and detection

   Mobs such as cyber flash mobs, smart mobs, deviant cyber flash mobs,
   automated deviant mobs

   Coordinated inauthentic behaviors

   Machine driven communications (bots, botnets, social bots, etc.)

   Troll detection and strategies

   Hate speech (toxic, polarizing, or disruptive content)

   Narratives analysis during misinformation online campaigns

   Stance detection and intent classification

   Policy implications

**In the light of recent elections worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic, and
covid-related deviant behaviors such as anti-lockdown campaigns, vaccine
hesitancy, etc., we also solicit papers focused on disinformation and
misinformation being disseminated related to these events.**

Important Dates:

Submission Deadline: September 10, 2021

Notification to Authors: October 29, 2021

Camera Ready Due: November 12, 2021

Venue Information:

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is decided that the IEEE BigData
conference and the DEVIANCE 2021 Workshop will be held virtually. Further
information will be provided closer to the workshop.


Full paper manuscripts must be in English with a maximum length of 10 pages
(using the IEEE two-column template). Submissions should be in PDF and
include the title, author(s), affiliation(s), e-mail address(es) and
abstract on the first page. Workshop papers can be submitted through
the submission

Papers should be formatted to IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscript
Formatting Guidelines

All papers accepted for the workshop will be included in the Conference
Proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.

Special Issue:

Selected presentations will be invited to submit extended studies to Springer’s
Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM) special issue on Deviant
Behaviors on Social Media

Workshop Chairs:

Esther Ledelle Mead

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, COSMOS Center, UA Little Rock

elmead at

Muhammad Nihal Hussain

Lead Data Scientist, Equifax Inc.

mnhussain at

Kiran Kumar Bandeli

Data Scientist, Walmart Inc.

KiranKumar.Bandeli at

Samer Al-khateeb

Assistant Professor, Creighton University

SamerAl-Khateeb1 at

Nitin Agarwal

Jerry L. Maulden-Entergy Chair & Distinguished Professor
Director, COSMOS Center, UA Little Rock

nxagarwal at

Web Chair:

Thomas Marcoux

Computer & Information Science PhD candidate - COSMOS Center, UA Little Rock

txmarcoux at

Esther Ledelle Mead, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Collaboratorium for Social Media and Online
Behavioral Studies (COSMOS)
Information Science, College of Engineering and Information Technology
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
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