Connectionists: Research Fellows and Postdocs in Probabilistic Machine Learning and Bayesian Inference

Kaski Samuel samuel.kaski at
Wed Aug 11 12:04:33 EDT 2021

Research Fellows and Postdocs in Probabilistic Machine Learning and Bayesian Inference

I am looking for researchers to my new team in Manchester, UK, funded by the UKRI Turing AI World-Leading Researcher Fellowship programme "Human-AI Research Teams - Steering AI in Experimental Design and Decision-Making". Closing date of call: September 6, 2021.

The research is fundamental research in probabilistic modelling and Bayesian inference, applied to the exciting problems of how do we steer machine learning systems. Particularly challenging is to steer when we cannot (yet) precisely specify our goal, and ultimately we would like to have machine learning systems that help us in experimental design and decisions.

Keywords include: advanced user modelling, automatic experimental design, Bayesian inference, human-in-the-loop learning, machine teaching, privacy-preserving learning, reinforcement learning and inverse reinforcement learning with or without multiple agents, and simulator-based inference. I am not expecting anyone to master all of these, though if you do, please apply immediately...

The team will have excellent opportunities of applying the methods to medicine, especially cancer research and remote medicine; experimental design in synthetic biology and drug design; and digital twins. We have top-notch collaborators in each, both in Academia and in companies, locally and internationally. We can also discuss jointly funded positions with partner companies, hospitals or collaborator groups.

More info about these fellowships and my research programme:

More info about these positions and a link to the application portal:

Research fellows: , DL September 6, 2021
Postdocs: , DL September 12, 2021

Lastly: why Manchester?

1. Because we are there
2. Great university, with fluent collaboration with outstanding groups of application fields
3. It is the place to be right now for machine learning. New Fundamental AI Research Centre with several new academics is being launched, on top of the already wide AI activity including Turing Institute partnership with 27 Turing Fellows and ELLIS Fellows.
4. The most livable city in the UK (

Best wishes,

Samuel Kaski

samuel.kaski at

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