Connectionists: SpiNNaker 2 Award

David Kappel david.kappel at
Tue Sep 29 10:29:34 EDT 2020

The TU Dresden is welcoming applications for the *SpiNNaker 2 Award* 
(see information below). Please circulate this call to interested fellow 


Dear all,

TU Dresden is soliciting applications for a 2*40.000€ award for 
interesting use cases of the SpiNNaker2 system 
SpiNNaker2 is a multi-processor system on chip based on ARM cores, with 
both neuromorphic accelerator cores as well as multiply-accumulate 
arrays for DNN operation. If you want to try your hand at cutting edge 
neurally-inspired AI, with a focus on hardware and sparsity, we'd love 
to see your application. All further details can be found in the 
attached document.


Christian Mayr



Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Mayr

Technische Universität Dresden

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Institute of Circuits and Systems

Chair of Highly-Parallel VLSI-Systems and Neuromorphic Circuits

Mommsenstr. 12, 01062 Dresden, Germany

+49 351 463 42392 phone

+49 351 463 37794 fax

christian.mayr at

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