Connectionists: Learning Meets Combinatorial Algorithms Workshop at NeurIPS2020

Marin Vlastelica marin.vlastelica at
Tue Sep 8 18:34:41 EDT 2020

Dear colleagues,

we are accepting abstract submissions for the Learning Meets 
Combinatorial Algorithms(LMCA) workshop at NeurIPS2020. Submission 
instructions (deadline Oct 05 2020 11:59PM UTC) can be found on the 
workshop website: along with the 
list of invited speakers.

Why this workshop? Machine learning algorithms have been shown to 
generalize poorly on combinatorially demanding tasks. Recent research 
has demonstrated that merging combinatorial optimization with machine 
learning methods enables solving problems that require non-trivial 
combinatorial generalization beyond pattern matching. In this spirit, 
this workshop aims to bring the communities (machine learning and 
combinatorial optimization, operations research) together in order to 
motivate further research at the intersection. This involves:

  * Machine learning approaches aimed at improving combinatorial

  * Machine learning techniques to directly learn solvers for
    combinatorial problems.

  * Hybrid architectures; pipelines containing both
    algorithmic/combinatorial and standard NN building blocks.

  * Applications of the above.

Kind regards,
Marin Vlastelica

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