Connectionists: An Old Machine Learning Fable Updated

Barak A. Pearlmutter barak at
Wed Sep 2 16:15:08 EDT 2020

*An Old Machine Learning Fable Updated*

A cautionary tale¹ is told to novices in machine learning.

*In days of yore, long before VLSI, researchers trained a simple neural
network to detect images containing enemy tanks. The US Army collected a
corpus of labeled images. Proper methods were employed: cross validation,
held-out test set, etc. Performance on both the training set and the unseen
test set was amazing! It even worked on very difficult images, with just a
bit of a tank poking out of foliage. But the military had collected all the
with-tank images on one day, and the without-tank images on another. One
day was sunny, the other overcast. The network had learned to classify
based on the brightness of the sky. Despite all their careful hard work,
the system was worthless.*

This story has three lessons we hope to impress upon our students.

   - Machine-learning systems learn what's *really* in the data, not what
   you *think* is there.
   - The principle of garbage-in-garbage-out applies to machine learning.
   - We must sweat the details: examine the innards of our systems, try to
   understand them, always with a skeptical mindset.

Some recent work classifying images based on EEG recordings from human
viewers is a modern example of precisely the same issue. EEG
recordings were taken in blocks, where in each block a succession of
many images of the same class were shown. A map from the EEG traces
that followed presentation of an image to that image's class label was
learned.² The problem is precisely the same as in the “tanks” story:
just as the weather drifts slowly, making photographs taken on a sunny
day differ systematically from ones taken on a cloudy day, so too does
EEG drift. Stimuli have long-lasting effects, the subject grows
fatigued or changes posture, electrodes make better or worse
electrical contact with the scalp, heartbeat changes, the subject
grows chilly and shivers or warm and perspires, sources of external
electrical interference wax and wane, etc. Such temporal confounds
completely account for the published results, and with them controlled
away test-set performance plummets to chance³ and remains near-chance
even with enormously more data.⁴
¹Perhaps somewhat apocryphal; see

²Concetto Spampinato, Simone Palazzo, Isaak Kavasidis, Daniela
 Giordano, Mubarak Shah, and Nasim Souly, “Deep Learning Human Mind
 for Automated Visual Classification”, CVPR 2017, URL
 and a growing corpus of work using the same dataset.

³Ren Li, Jared S. Johansen, Hamad Ahmed, Thomas V. Ilyevsky, Ronnie B.
 Wilbur, Hari M. Bharadwaj, and Jeffrey Mark Siskind, “The perils and
 pitfalls of block design for EEG classification experiments”, IEEE
 Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, in press.
 See also “Training on the test set? An analysis of Spampinato et al.
 [31]”, arXiv:1812.07697, Dec 2018.

⁴Hamad Ahmed, Ronnie B. Wilbur, Hari M. Bharadwaj, and Jeffrey Mark
 Siskind, “Object classification from randomized EEG trials”,
 arXiv:2004.06046, Apr 2020. Interestingly, even changing the design
 so training and testing data are acquired in separate blocks (Nicolae
 Cudlencu, Nirvana Popescu, and Marius Leordeanu, “Reading into the
 mind’s eye: Boosting automatic visual recognition with EEG signals”,
 Neurocomputing 386:281–92, Apr 2020, online Dec 2019, DOI:
 10.1016/j.neucom.2019.12.076) is shown to exhibit a similar problem
 due to a related block-order confound.
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