Connectionists: (Deadline November 30 2020) - 10 PhD funded positions in SecInt Doctoral College at TU Wien on Secure and intelligent human-centric digital technologies

Ezio Bartocci ezio.bartocci at
Fri Oct 16 04:04:48 EDT 2020

We are looking for 10 brilliant students to hire with a very competitive salary (up to 29000 Euro/net per year) for four years.
The students will be trained within a new PhD school (SecInt <> ) on secure and intelligent human-centric 
digital technologies.

In our research group (TrustCPS <>), I am looking for a candidate working on verifying and (ensuring at runtime) safety and 
security properties in autonomous cyber-physical systems such as self-driving cars.
This particular position is co-funded by TU Wien and the Austrian Institute of Technology for 40 hours/per week (full-time) with 
 a four years contract. The position will be co-supervised together with Dr. Dejan Nickovic ( <> ).
The working language will be English.

The link for the application is the following:
( <> )
The deadline to apply is the end of November.

Concerning the quality of life, Vienna has been ranked consecutively in the last ten years as the most livable place in the world by the international consulting agency Mercer: <>
The cost of life is very affordable and very low compared to other important metropolitan cities.

The Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien is consistently ranked among the best top 100 in the world in several rankings. <> 

The research environment is incredibly vibrant with a critical mass of top scientists in computer science 
(not only at TU Wien, but also in several close research institutions such as for example IST Austria)
with whom to collaborate.

Furthermore, the PhD school gives also the possibility to visit abroad, to make internships and to collaborate with several other renown industrial 
(e.g. Amazon, Microsoft, etc) and academic partners (e.g., Stanford University, TU Munich, RWTH Aachen, etc.).

Do not hesitate to contact me for further information.

Best regards

Ezio Bartocci

Prof. Ezio Bartocci
Faculty of Informatics
TU Wien, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Treitlstraße   3, 1040 Vienna, Austria
E-Mail:     ezio.bartocci at <mailto:ezio.bartocci at>
Phone:     +43 (1) 58801 - 18226
Website: <>
DBLP: <> 
Scopus: <>
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