Connectionists: CBMS 2021 - Call for Special Tracks, Deadline Nov. 6
Alba García
albagarciaseco at
Mon Oct 12 15:34:30 EDT 2020
The 34th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems
(IEEE CBMS 2021)
June 7 – 9, 2021, Aveiro, Portugal,1,feIH4BBUJboiJYCavLt0wKOoVltdiNHZIHRPQnalrq7K6WchpbFwd6VIzUd5nYcQrSq0FYNgUwp_oI7BUDdIj-K2wTwqCKtQoX6QgoMyzC1O9pVmqQ48G46k_Q,,&typo=1
The IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (IEEE
CBMS2021), now in its 34th edition, is the premier conference for
computer-based medical systems, and one of the main conferences within the
fields of medical informatics and biomedical informatics.
IEEE CBMS 2021 invites proposals for organization of special tracks that
will be held in parallel with the general conference track. The themes of
the special tracks should not overlap with the general conference topics
and should focus on emerging research fields. All tracks are expected to
enable stimulating discussions of state-of-the-art, emerging, visionary,
and perhaps controversial topics. Their papers should report on significant
unpublished work and must meet the same standards as main conference
papers. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings.
We expect all accepted tracks to adhere to the conference paper submission
and reviewing schedule, as outlined in the dates indicated below. Special
Tracks chair(s) will be interacting with organisers of accepted workshops
to ensure a high quality workshop program.
If you are interested in organizing a Special Track (ST), please submit
your proposal by email to cbms2021 at, using "CBMS2021 Special Track
Proposal" in the subject line.
Each proposal must include:
1. Special track title
2. Rough estimate of the expected ST size as number of sessions (with 4-5
papers per session)
3. A brief biography of ST organizer(s)
4. List of Special Track program committee members
5. A draft of Special Track “Call for papers”
6. One or two appropriate journals or follow up publications: tracks are
expected to organize a special issue
Deadline for special track and tutorial proposal: November 6, 2020
Special track and tutorial notification acceptance: November 13, 2020
Paper submission deadline: February 5, 2021
Notification of acceptance: March 26, 2021
Deadline for final versions and conference registration: April 16, 2021
Conference dates: June 7-9, 2021
Special Tracks Chairs
Alejandro Pazos Sierra, University of A Coruña, Spain
Alba Garcia Seco De Herrera, University of Essex, England
KC Santosh, University of South Dakota, United States
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