Connectionists: request to post on listserve

Nichol W. Killian nk3954 at
Thu Oct 8 09:53:49 EDT 2020

We would like to request that this notice be shared on your list serve.  Can you please let me know approximately when the listing will be disbursed?

Thank you and if you have any follow-up questions, please feel free to contact me.

An NSF-funded multi-investigator collaboration is seeking individuals to help develop a standardized format for exchanging computational models among neuroscience, cognitive science and machine learning. The project was recently funded by NSF’s Convergence Accelerator Program, and involves Princeton Neuroscience Institute; The University of Texas at Austin; University College London; Yale Computer Science Department; and Intel Labs in collaboration with members of the broader community.

We seek individuals who have considerable experience in computational modeling in cognitive science, neuroscience, and/or machine learning. Preference is for individuals with a PhD in a relevant discipline (Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology and/or Computer Science), but others with sufficient demonstrated experience will be considered.  Experience in Python is necessary, and experience in one or more existing modeling environments (e.g., NEURON, The Virtual Brain, NeuroML, Emergent, Nengo, ACT-R, PyTorch and/or TensorFlow) is preferred.  Involvement can be remote.  Interested individuals should contact Nichol Killian (nk3954 at<mailto:nk3954 at>) or Edwin Clayton (ec12 at<mailto:ec12 at>). Please include a brief overview of background in the specific areas (CV attachments are welcome).

Nichol Killian

Project Coordinator

Princeton Neuroscience Institute

Princeton University

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