Connectionists: Extension of deadline (ISMSI21, Seychelles, Victoria)

Suash Deb suashdeb at
Sun Nov 22 23:44:23 EST 2020

Dear colleagues,

This is about  *2021* 5*th International Conference on Intelligent Systems,
Metaheuristics & Intelligent Systems  (ISMSI21).  * The conference is
slated to be held in *Victoria, Seychelles *during *April 10-11, 2021*

However,  in case the prevailing global pandemic situation does not
improve, the same may be held as a full-fledged virtual conference, as
was for ISMSI20.

*EURO ( The Association of European Operational Research Societies) /its
spl. interest group on Metaheuristics* being the *technical sponsors* of
the ISMSI21.

Due to the prevailing situation, and based on the requests from our peers
we have extended the submission deadline.

*Extended Submission Deadline*
25th Dec, 2020

As in the previous 4 editions, the proceedings of  ISMSI21 will be
published by *ICPS of ACM and published papers will be indexed by Ei
Compendex & Scopus.*

Apart from the scope there is scope for a selected & subset of papers,
after being extended, to be considered for publication at a special issue
of the *NCAA journal  (a Springer publication with 2019 Impact Factor  & 5
year Impact Factor of 4.774 & 4.627 respectively) *

Some papers may also be considered for *EJOR, an Elsevier Publication (
2019 Impact Factor  & 5 year Impact Factor of 4.213 & 4.729 respectively)*

*Key Note Speeches*
Leading scientists from  USA & Europe will deliver the Keynote Speeches  at
the conference

We hope to receive your manuscript(s) in the coming days.

Best regards,

Suash Deb
General Chair, ISMSI21
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