Connectionists: Fully-funded PhD position at the Vision Institute, Sorbonne University, Paris, France

angelo.arleo at angelo.arleo at
Wed Mar 18 17:13:12 EDT 2020

Fully-funded PhD position at the Vision Institute, Sorbonne University, Paris, France

Job description
Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD position to develop clinical endpoints of daily-life activity for low vision patients in order to assess visual restoration. The therapeutic benefits of vision restoration are usually evaluated in clinical studies using conventional functional measures such as visual field and contrast sensitivity. However, these tests are not sufficient to characterize the impact of a visual pathology on patients’ quality of life and autonomy. This project will set forth a set of benchmark measures to evaluate a range of daily life functions (locomotion, spatial orientation, posture, balance, reading) in real or virtual conditions. The main goal is to identify behavioral biomarkers of the benefit of vision restoration solutions (namely optogenetic therapy and retinal implants) in visually impaired patients. The PhD candidate will work hand-in-hand with clinicians of the National Hospital Center for Ophthalmology of the Quinze-Vingts and with researchers of the Vision Institute as well as the Streetlab company. The project will be carried out under the supervision of Dr. Colas Authié and Dr. Angelo Arleo.

Requirements & eligibility criteria
Applicants should have a quantitative background (engineering, computer science, physics, applied mathematics), and a keen interest in behavioral neuroscience. The ideal candidate should have expertise in virtual reality, motor control, and biometric data analysis. Experience in low-vision or knowledge on machine learning and programming languages (Matlab, C or Python) are a plus. Knowledge of French is important (but not mandatory). Proficiency in oral and written English is required. Successful candidates are expected to work in an interdisciplinary environment with engineers, neuroscientists, and clinicians.

Applicants must be in the first four years of their research career and they must not have lived in France more than 12 months during the last 3 years.

The position is funded by the Marie Curie ITN project ENTRAIN-VISION and it will start in September 2020. It corresponds to a full PhD appointment (36 months) with competitive salary and working conditions, monthly mobility allowance, and family allowance (if family obligations). It also provides continuing education, secondments in the private sector, training modules, and transferable skills courses.

Working environment
The Vision Institute is one of the top international centers for integrated research on vision and eye diseases. It is located at the heart of Paris, on the campus of the National Hospital Center for Ophthalmology of the Quinze-Vingts. The Vision Institute includes multidisciplinary research laboratories, which share state-of-the-art platforms for human and animal experimentation. It also harbors a Clinical Investigation Center, which fosters translational research. The Streetlab provides a panel of unique platforms (reproducing virtual and real immersive environments) and standardized evaluation solutions to measure autonomy, mobility, and quality of life of visually impaired people.

How to apply
Applicants should apply to the ENTRAIN-VISION consortium ( <>) by April 13th, 2020. For further inquiries, please contact Angelo Arleo (angelo.arleo at and Colas Authié (colas.authie at


Director of Research CNRS
Head of the Aging in Vision and Action Lab,
Director of the Chair Silversight,
Institute of Vision, CNRS - INSERM - Sorbonne University,
17, rue Moreau F-75012 Paris, France
Phone: +33 (0)1 53 46 26 52
Mobile: +33 (0)6 46 84 09 56      
Email: angelo.arleo at

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