Connectionists: CFP: Doctoral Symposium on Recent Advances in Information Technology (DS–RAIT 2020)
Marcin Paprzycki
marcin at
Sun Mar 1 17:10:50 EST 2020
Doctoral Symposium on Recent Advances in Information Technology (DS–RAIT
Sofia (Bulgaria), September 6-9, 2020
CONTACT: ds-rait2020 at]
About the event:
The seventh international Doctoral Symposium on Recent Advances in
Information Technology (DS-RAIT 2020) will be held in Sofia (Bulgaria)
on September 6-9, 2020 as a satellite track of the Federated Conference
on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS 2020).
The aim of this meeting is to provide a platform for exchange of ideas
between early-stage researchers, in Computer Science, PhD students in
particular. Furthermore, the symposium will provide all participants an
opportunity to get feedback on their studies from experienced members of
the IT research community invited to chair all DS-RAIT thematic
sessions. Therefore, submission of research proposals with limited
preliminary results is strongly encouraged. Besides receiving specific
advice for their contributions all participants will be invited to
attend plenary lectures and tutorials on issues related to conducting
high-quality research in IT. It is planned that authors of the two most
outstanding submissions will have a possibility to present their papers
in a form of short plenary lecture.
DS-RAIT invites the submission of papers on all aspects of IT including,
but not limited to:
Automatic Control and Robotics
Cloud, GPU and Parallel Computing
Cognitive Science
Computer Networks
Computational Intelligence
Data Mining and Data Visualization
Database Management Systems
Expert Systems
Image Processing and Computer Animation
Information Theory
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Numerical Analysis
Operating Systems
Pattern Recognition
Scientific Computing
Software Engineering
- prospective authors are welcomed to submit their short papers (length
not exceeding 4 pages) in IEEE style (including tables, figures and
references) before May 15, 2020;
- each contribution should clearly state a problem in hand, justify its
importance, describe related work and finally, provide a solution and
some preliminary results (if available);
- like previous editions, this year’s DS-RAIT proceedings will be
included in the IEEE Xplore® database and submitted for indexation in:
DBLP Computer Science Bibliography, Google Scholar, Inspec, Scirus,
SciVerse Scopus and Thomson Reuters - Conference Proceedings Citation Index;
- selected extended papers, after additional review, will be published
in special issues of journals, e.g. Journal of Automation, Mobile
Robotics and Intelligent Systems (
DS-RAIT Committees:
Honorary Event Chair: Janusz Kacprzyk (Poland)
Event Chairs:
Piotr Andrzej Kowalski (pakowal at, Poland), Szymon Lukasik
(slukasik at, Poland)
Program Committee:
Jaroslaw Arabas (Poland), Krassimir T. Atanassov (Bulgaria), Krisztian
Balazs (Hungary), Antoon Bronselaer (Belgium), Modesto Castrillón
Santana (Spain), Malgorzata Charytanowicz (Poland), Thomas Corpetti
(France), José Manuel Fonseca (Portugal), Philippe Fournier-Viger
(Canada), David Gil (Spain), Enrique Herrera Viedma (Spain), Bao-Gang Hu
(China), Laszlo T. Koczy (Hungary), Zbigniew Kokosinski (Poland),
Krzysztof Krawiec (Poland), Piotr Kulczycki (Poland), Maciej Kusy
(Poland), Ferenc Lilik (Hungary), Rita Lovassy (Hungary), Piotr Malecki
(Poland), Radko Mesiar (Slovakia), André Damas Mora (Portugal), Carles
Noguera i Clofent (Czech Republic), Jerzy Pamin (Poland), Milan Petrik
(Czech Republic), Rita A. Ribeiro (Portugal), Anatoly Sachenko
(Ukraine), Volodymyr Samotyy (Ukraine), Bartłomiej Szafran (Poland),Guy
De Tré (Belgium), Roman Tkachenko (Ukraine), Alex Tormasi (Hungary),Wei
Wei (China), Marian Wysocki (Poland), Yujiu Yang (China), Slawomir
Zadrozny (Poland), Mieczysław Zajac (Poland)
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