Connectionists: Postdoc and PhD positions in EU project on motor control and movement augmentation

Tobias Pistohl tobias.pistohl at
Mon Jun 29 07:12:26 EDT 2020

*Postdoc and PhD positions in EU project on motor control and movement 

Bernstein Center, University of Freiburg
NEXT lab, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London

Multiple postdoc and PhD positions are available in the labs of Carsten 
Mehring (University of Freiburg), Domenico Formica and Giovanni di Pino 
(Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma) as well as Dario Farina and 
Etienne Burdet (Imperial College London), on motor control and movement 
augmentation, in the context of the EU project NIMA. The NIMA project 
aims to develop body, muscle and neural interfaces for controlling 
additional degrees-of-freedom of supernumerary limbs, devices or 
computers independently from movements of the natural limbs. We have 
formed a team of leading experts in neuroscience, neurotechnology, 
human-machine interfaces, robotics, and ethics from various institutions 
across Europe (University of Freiburg, Università Campus Bio-Medico di 
Roma, Sorbonne Université, Tecnalia Foundation, Imperial College London) 
to accomplish the following objectives: 1) Pushing the borders of 
technology by creating non-invasive interfaces with multimodal sensory 
feedback that will allow effortless control of multiple limbs or 
objects; 2) Understanding the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying 
movement augmentation, how it can be functionally embodied and how this 
can be facilitated by multimodal feedback, by combining neuromodulation, 
computational modelling and behavioural experiments; 3) Applying 
movement augmentation to extend human capacities and preparing the 
ground for exploitation, using different testbeds; 4) Evaluating the 
ethical and safety aspects of movement augmentation.

Multiple positions are available at the different institutions listed 
above from October, 1^st 2020 on. Interested applicants with suitable 
background should submit a CV, a letter of motivation (max. 1 page) and 
indicate which of the institution(s) they are interested in to Dr. 
Tobias Pistohl (tobias.pistohl at 
<mailto:tobias.pistohl at>).

In case of questions you can contact Dr. Tobias Pistohl or the PIs of 
the different labs:

- Carsten Mehring <carsten.mehring at 
<mailto:carsten.mehring at>>, for positions at 
University of Freiburg

- Domenico Formica<d.formica at 
<mailto:d.formica at>> and Giovanni Di Pino 
<g.dipino at <mailto:g.dipino at>> for positions at UCBM

- Etienne Burdet <e.burdet at 
<mailto:e.burdet at>> and Dario Farina 
<d.farina at <mailto:d.farina at>> for positions 
at Imperial College London

The University of Freiburg is in the southwest of Germany close to the 
French and Swiss borders. Freiburg has a vibrant academic community and 
our group is part of the Bernstein Center Freiburg 
(, which provide first-class environments 
for research on Computational Neuroscience and Neurotechnology. NEXTlab 
at UCBM ( <>) is a 
multidisciplinary research group working at developing new tools and 
methods to study and model human motor control, and to improve the 
embodiment of robotic hand prostheses and supernumerary limbs. The group 
at Imperial College London is pursuing basic and applied research in 
human interface (,

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