Connectionists: CVML Web lectures 10th June 2020: 1) Object tracking 2) Mapping and localization

ioannakoroni at ioannakoroni at
Thu Jun 4 06:46:21 EDT 2020

Dear Computer Vision/Machine Learning/Autonomous Systems students,
engineers, scientists and enthusiasts,


Artificial Intelligence and Information analysis (AIIA) Lab, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, Greece is proud to have launched the live CVML
Web lecture series 

that covers very important Computer Vision/Machine Learning topics. Two new
upcoming 45 min lectures will take place soon:


1) Object tracking

2) Mapping and localization


Date/time: Wednesday 10th  June 2020,  17:00-18:30 EEST for both lectures
(7:00-8:30 am California time, 10:00-11:30 am New York time, 22:00-23:30
Beijing time).


Registration  can be done using the link:

Registration for asynchronous access to CVML live Web lecture material
(video, pdf/ppt) for any past/present lecture can be done using the link:


Lecture abstracts

1) Object tracking, Wednesday 10th  June 2020, 17:00-17:45 EEST 

Summary: Object/target tracking is a crucial component of many computer
vision systems. Many approaches on face/object tracking in videos will be
overviewed, notably based on feature point tracking, or on color/texture
target descriptors.    Furthermore, this lecture will focus on video
tracking methods using correlation filters or convolutional neural networks.
Video trackers that are capable of achieving real time performance for
long-term tracking on a UAV platform will be overviewed as well.


2) Mapping and localization,  Wednesday 10th June 2020, 17:45-18:30 EEST 

Summary: This lecture includes the essential knowledge about how we
obtain/get 2D and/or 3D maps that robots/drones need, taking measurements
that allow them to perceive their environment with appropriate sensors.
Semantic mapping includes how to add semantic annotations to the maps such
as POIs, roads and landing sites. The section Localization is exploited to
find the 3D drone or target location based on sensors using specifically
Simultaneous mapping and localization (SLAM). Finally, the drone
localization fusion is presented that improves localization and mapping
accuracy by exploiting synergies between different sensor data.

Lecturer: Prof. Ioannis Pitas (IEEE fellow, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer,
EURASIP fellow) received the Diploma and PhD degree in Electrical
Engineering, both from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Since 1994, he has been a Professor at the Department of Informatics of the
same University. His current interests are in the areas of machine learning,
computer vision, intelligent digital media, human centered interfaces,
affective computing, 3D imaging and biomedical imaging. He has published
over 860 papers, contributed in 44 books in his areas of interest and edited
or (co-)authored another 11 books. He has also been member of the program
committee of many scientific conferences and workshops. In the past he
served as Associate Editor or co-Editor of 9 international journals and
General or Technical Chair of 4 international conferences. He participated
in 69 R&D projects, primarily funded by the European Union and is/was
principal investigator/researcher in 41 such projects. He has 31000+
citations to his work and h-index 83+ (Google Scholar). Prof. Pitas lead the
big European H2020 R&D project MULTIDRONE: and is
principal investigator (AUTH)  in H2020 projects Aerial Core and AI4Media.
He is chair of the Autonomous Systems initiative

Lecturing record of Prof. I. Pitas: He was Visiting/Adjunct/Honorary
Professor/Researcher and lectured at several Universities: University of
Toronto (Canada), University of British Columbia (Canada), EPFL
(Switzerland), Chinese Academy of Sciences (China),  University of Bristol
(UK), Tampere University of Technology (Finland), Yonsei University (Korea),
Erlangen-Nurnberg University (Germany), National University of Malaysia,
Henan University (China). He delivered 90 invited/keynote lectures in
prestigious international Conferences and top Universities worldwide. He run
17 short courses and tutorials on Autonomous Systems, Computer Vision and
Machine Learning, most of them in the past 3 years in many countries, e.g.,
USA, UK, Italy, Finland, Greece, Australia, N. Zealand, Korea, Taiwan, Sri
Lanka, Bhutan.

Relevant links: a) Prof. I. Pitas:
<> &hl=el  b)
AIIA Lab <> 


General information: Lectures will consist primarily of live lecture
streaming and PPT slides. Attendees (registrants) need no special computer
equipment for attending the lecture. They will receive the lecture PDF
before each lecture and will have the ability to ask questions real-time.
Audience should have basic University-level undergraduate knowledge of any
science or engineering department (calculus, probabilities, programming,
that are typical e.g., in any ECE, CS, EE undergraduate program).  More
advanced  knowledge (signals and systems, optimization theory, machine
learning) is very helpful but nor required.


These two lectures are part of a 15 lecture CVML web course 'Computer vision
and machine learning for autonomous systems' (April-June 2020):


Introduction to autonomous systems
(delivered 25th April 2020)

Introduction to computer vision
(delivered 25th April 2020)

Image acquisition, camera geometry
(delivered   2nd May 2020)

Stereo and Multiview imaging
(delivered   2nd  May 2020)

Structure from Motion
(delivered   9th May 2020)

2D convolution and correlation algorithms
(delivered   9th May 2020)

Motion estimation
(delivered   20th May 2020)

Introduction to Machine Learning
(delivered   20th May 2020)

Artificial Neural Networks. Perceptron
(delivered   27th May 2020)

Multilayer perceptron. Backpropagation
(delivered   27th May 2020)

Deep learning. Convolutional NNs
(delivered   3rd June 2020)

Deep object detection
(delivered   3rd June 2020)

Object tracking 

Localization and mapping

Deep Semantic Image Segmentation

Fast convolution algorithms. CVML programming tools.


Sincerely yours

Prof. Ioannis Pitas

Director of Artificial Intelligence and Information analysis (AIIA) Lab,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece


Post scriptum: To stay current on CVMl matters, you may want to register to
the CVML email list, following instructions in


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