Connectionists: [CfP-Extended Deadline] ICLP DC 2020 - 16th Doctoral Consortium (DC) on Logic Programming

Laura Pandolfo lpandolfo at
Tue Jul 14 02:04:47 EDT 2020

ICLP DC 2020 - 16th Doctoral Consortium (DC) on Logic Programming
Extended Deadline: July 18, 2020!

The deadline for applying for the ICLP Doctoral Consortium has been 
prolonged by one week; you now have until July 18th to submit your 
We would like to stress that despite COVID and the virtual nature of the 
event, our goal is to provide ample opportunity for networking and 
contact with fellow students and experts.


The 16th Doctoral Consortium (DC) on Logic Programming provides students 
with the opportunity to present and discuss their research directions, 
and to obtain feedback from both peers and experts in the field. The 
preliminary website of the DC can be found at:

The DC will take place during the 36th International Conference on Logic 
Programming (ICLP) (September 18-24, 2020), 
hosted by the University of Calabria, Italy, as a fully virtual event. 
The best paper from the DC will be given the opportunity to make a 
presentation in a session of the main ICLP conference.

We aim to find sponsoring to cover the registration cost of students 
participating in the DC, but this still has to be confirmed.

Important Dates

Paper submission: July 18, 2020 (extended)
Notification: July 30, 2020
Camera-ready copy: August 6, 2020
DC presentations: Sunday, September 20, 2020 (fully virtual event)
However, DC students are highly recommended to attend the Autumn School 
on Logic Programming and Constraint Programming on: Friday and Saturday, 
September 18-19, 2020:


The DC is designed for students currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program, 
though we are also open to exceptions (e.g., students currently in a 
Master's program and interested in doctoral studies). Students at any 
stage in their doctoral studies are encouraged to apply for 
participation in the DC. Applicants are expected to conduct research in 
areas related to logic and constraint programming; topics of interest 
include (but are not limited to):
Theoretical Foundations of Logic and Constraint Logic Programming
Sequential and Parallel Implementation Technology
Static and Dynamic Analysis, Abstract Interpretation, Compilation 
Technology, Verification
Logic-based Paradigms (e.g., Answer Set Programming, Concurrent Logic 
Programming, Inductive Logic Programming)
Innovative Applications of Logic Programming
Submissions by students who have presented their work at previous ICLP 
DC editions are allowed, but should occur only if there are substantial 
changes or improvements to the student's work. The DC offers 
participants a convenient, more informal way to interact with 
established researchers and fellow students, through presentations, 
question-answer sessions, panel discussions, and invited presentations. 
The Doctoral Consortium will also provide the possibility to reflect - 
through short activities, information sessions, and discussions - on the 
process and lessons of research and life in academia. Each participant 
will give a short, critiqued, research presentation.


Renowned experts and researchers in the fields of logic and constraint 
programming will join in evaluating submissions and will participate in 
the DC, providing valuable feedback to DC participants.


To provide doctoral students working in the fields of logic and 
constraint programming with a friendly and open forum to present their 
research ideas, listen to ongoing work from peer students, and receive 
constructive feedback.
To provide students with relevant information about important issues for 
doctoral candidates and future academics.
To develop a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of 
collaborative research.
To support a new generation of researchers with information and advice 
on academic, research, industrial, and non-traditional career paths.

Submission Details

The DC is designed for students currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program, 
however Master's students who are actively involved in research (please 
see the list of topics below) can also participate in the DC program.

Applicants are expected to conduct research in areas related to logic 
and constraint programming.

Topics included, but not limited to:
Foundations: Semantics, Formalisms, Nonmonotonic reasoning, Knowledge 
Languages: Concurrency, Objects, Coordination, Mobility, Higher Order, 
Types, Modes, Assertions, Modules, Meta-programming, Logic-based 
domain-specific languages, Programming Techniques.
Declarative programming: Declarative program development, Analysis, Type 
and mode inference, Partial evaluation, Abstract interpretation, 
Transformation, Validation, Verification, Debugging, Profiling, Testing, 
Execution visualization.
Implementation: Virtual machines, Compilation, Memory management, 
Parallel/distributed execution, Constraint handling rules, Tabling, 
Foreign interfaces, User interfaces.
Related Paradigms and Synergies: Inductive and Co-inductive Logic 
Programming, Constraint Logic Programming, Answer Set Programming, 
Interaction with SAT, SMT and CSP solvers, Logic programming techniques 
for type inference and theorem proving, Argumentation, Probabilistic 
Logic Programming, Relations to object-oriented and Functional programming.
Applications: Databases, Big Data, Data integration and federation, 
Software engineering, Natural language processing, Web and Semantic Web, 
Agents, Artificial intelligence, Computational life sciences, Education, 
Cybersecurity, and Robotics.

Submissions of the research summary must be made in EPTCS format 
( and submitted via EasyChair. All papers must be 
written in English and should be between 5 and 10 pages. For all 
accepted DC papers, the student is required to attend the DC program and 
give a presentation during the DC. A program committee consisting of 
experts in various areas related to logic and constraint programming 
reviews the submissions. Papers are reviewed by at least two, and 
usually three, referees.
The submission package should consist of the research summary in the 
format mentioned above, a short vita or cover letter of the applicant, a 
letter of recommendation from applicant's faculty advisor, and one 
paragraph statement outlining how the school will benefit the applicant. 
All material is to be submitted electronically, in PDF format on the 
Easychair system.

Easychair link: 
(Doctoral Consortium track)

Research summary (make sure to include your complete name, address, and 

The body of your research summary (no more than 10 pages, but 5 is fine 
as well!) should provide a clear overview of your research, its 
potential impact, and its current status. You are encouraged to include 
the following sections:
Introduction and problem description
Background and overview of the existing literature
Goal of the research
Current status of the research
Preliminary results accomplished (if any)
Open issues and expected achievements
Bibliographical references

Review Criteria

The DC program committee will select participants based on their 
anticipated contribution to the DC objectives. Participants typically 
have settled on their thesis directions and have their research proposal 
accepted by their thesis committee. Students will be selected based on 
clarity and completeness of their submission package, relevance of their 
research area w.r.t. the focus of ICLP, stage of research, 
recommendation letter, and evidence of promise towards a successful 
career in research and academia, such as published papers or technical 


Registration is part of the ICLP 2020 registration.
Registration costs for ICLP will be lower than usual since it is virtual 
this year. We aim to find sponsoring to cover the registration cost of 
students participating in the DC, but this still has to be confirmed.

Program co-chairs

Bart Bogaerts, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Daniela Inclezan, Miami University

Program Committee

Carmine Dodaro, University of Calabria
Jorge Fandinno, Potsdam University
Fabio Fioravanti, University of Chieti-Pescara
Paul Fodor, Stony Brook University
Martin Gebser, University of Klagenfurt
Jose F. Morales, IMDEA Software Research Institute
Zeynep G. Saribatur, Vienna University of Technology
Frank Valencia, LIX, Ecole Polytechnique


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