Connectionists: CNS*2020 Online Meeting starts **July 18**

Martin Zapotocky zapotocky at
Tue Jul 7 18:55:41 EDT 2020

Organization for Computational Neurosciences
2885 Sanford Ave SW #15359
Grandville, MI 49418

The *29th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2020) *will 
take place online on *July 18--22*.

*Registration is free of charge*. In addition to the Main Meeting 
sessions, the conference hosts 10 tutorials/showcases and 10 workshops, 
for a total of *over 200 oral and 200 poster presentations*. Keynote 
addresses will be given by Matt Botvinick, Zhaoping Li, Geoff Goodhill, 
and Daniel Polani.

To gain access to the meeting schedule and the online sessions, please 
register at
You can then use the CNS*2020 Sched instance to assemble a personalized 
meeting agenda.

We hope that you will join us and the 1,200 already registered 
participants at the CNS*2020 Online Meeting.

Martin Zapotocky, Ph.D.
Institute of Physiology,
Czech Academy of Sciences
Videnska 1083
14220 Prague 4, Czech Republic
Tel: +420-241-062-708
Email: zapotocky at

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