Connectionists: ICMI 2020: Last Call for Demonstrations and Exhibits

Nicholas Cummins nicholas.cummins at
Fri Jul 3 06:50:14 EDT 2020

ICMI 2020: Last Call for Demonstrations and Exhibits
25-29 Oct 2020, Utrecht, The Netherlands
ICMI2020 will be held as a virtual conference or partially virtual
We invite you to submit your proposals for demonstrations and exhibits to
be held during the 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimodal
Interaction (ICMI 2020), located in Utrecht, the Netherlands, October
25-29th, 2020.

This year’s conference theme: In this information age, technological
innovation is at the core of our lives and rapidly transforming and
impacting the state of the world in art, culture, and society, and science
as well - the borders between classical disciplines such as humanities and
computer science are fading. In particular, we wonder how multimodal
processing of human behavioural data can create meaningful impact in art,
culture, and society practices. And vice versa, how does art, culture, and
society influence our approaches and techniques in multimodal processing?
As such, this year, ICMI welcomes contributions on our theme for Multimodal
processing and representation of Human Behaviour in Art, Culture, and

Demonstrations and Exhibits
The ICMI 2020 Demonstrations & Exhibits session is intended to provide a
forum to showcase innovative implementations, systems and technologies
demonstrating new ideas about interactive multimodal interfaces. It can
also serve to introduce commercial products.

Proposals may be of two types: demonstrations or exhibits. The main
difference is that demonstrations include a 1-2 page paper, which will be
included in the ICMI main proceedings, while the exhibits only need to
include a brief outline (no more than one page; not included
in ICMI proceedings). We encourage both the submission of early research
prototypes and interesting mature systems. In addition, authors of accepted
regular research papers may be invited to participate in the demonstration
sessions as well.

Demonstration Submission
Please submit a 1-2 page description of the demonstration through the
main ICMI conference management system ( Demonstration description(s)
must be in PDF format, according to the ACM conference format, of no more
than 2 pages in length including references (submission format: Demonstration proposals
should include a description with photographs and/or screen captures of the
demonstration and, where possible, a video of the proposed demo should
accompany the submission (no larger than 200MB). The demo and exhibit paper
submissions are not anonymous. However, all ACM rules and guidelines
related to paper submission should be followed (e.g. plagiarism, including

The demonstration submissions will be peer reviewed, according to the
following criteria: suitability as a demo, scientific or engineering
feasibility of the proposed demo system, application, or interactivity,
alignment with the conference focus, potential to engage the audience, and
overall quality and presentation of the written proposal. Authors are
encouraged to address such criteria in their proposals (paper submission),
along with preparing the short papers mindful of the quality and rigorous
scientific expectations of an ACM publication.

The demo program will include the accepted proposals and may additionally
include invited demos from among full-length papers accepted for
presentation at the conference. Please note that the accepted descriptions
will be included in the ICMI main proceedings.

Exhibit Submission
Exhibit proposals should be submitted following the same guidelines,
formatting, and due dates as for demonstration proposals. Exhibit proposals
must be shorter in length (up to one page) and more suitable for mature
systems. Exhibits will not have a paper published in the ICMI 2020

At least one author of all accepted Demonstrations and Exhibits submissions
must register for and attend the conference, including the conference
demonstrations and exhibits session(s).

Important Dates
*Submission of demo and exhibit proposals July 17, 2020*
Demo and exhibit notification of acceptance July 31, 2020
Submission of demo final papers August 17, 2020

For further questions, contact the Demonstrations and Exhibits co-chairs:
Zakia Hammal (Zakia_Hammal at and Dominique Vaufreydaz (
Dominique at
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