Connectionists: CIKM2020 AnalytiCup - COVID-19 Retweet Prediction Challenge

CIKM 2020 Publicity publicity at
Wed Jul 1 07:34:09 EDT 2020

    * Apologies for cross-posting *

Announcing the *2nd CIKM2020 sponsored Analyticup challenge*


<>   ***

In conjunction with CIKM 2020 ( (October
19th-23rd, 2020 - online)

Sponsored by *GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences*, *HUU
- Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf*, *L3S Research Center*and
*Chongqing University of Technology*.

More details on the task page *here <>*.


*Task description*

The goal of this challenge is to predict the popularity of
COVID-19-related tweets in terms of the number of their retweets.
Retweeting—re-posting original content without any change—is a popular
function in Twitter and can be seen as amplifying the spread of
original messages. This makes retweet prediction a crucial task when
studying online information diffusion processes during a time of
crisis such as the current COVID-19 pandemic

The retweet prediction task in the challenge is based on the
TweetsCOV19 dataset  <>--- a
publicly available dataset containing more than 8 million
COVID-19-related tweets, spanning the period October 2019 to April

The COVID-19 Retweet Prediction Challenge is part of the CIKM2020
AnalytiCup, and the winners will be invited to present their solutions
during the *online* AnalytiCup Workshop in October 2020.


   - 01.07.20 Contest and Phase 1 Begin (Validation Leaderboard opens)
   - 15.08.20 Phase 2 Begin (Testing Leaderboard opens)
   - 24.08.20 Last Shot & Contest End
   - 01.09.20 Semi-finalists Announcement
   - 01.10.20 Report & Code Due
   - 20.10.20 Winner Announcement


Non-cash prizes worth 2.500€ EUR provided by L3S Research Center

Are you competitive enough to participate? Check it out here!


Dimitar Dimitrov,* GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany*
Xiaofei Zhu, *Chongqing University of Technology, China*

AnalytiCup Chairs:
Dimitar Dimitrov,* GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany*
Xiaofei Zhu, *Chongqing University of Technology, China*
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