Connectionists: CFP: FG-2020 Affect Recognition in-the-wild: Uni/Multi-Modal Analysis Workshop
Kollias, Dimitrios
dimitrios.kollias15 at
Thu Jan 30 17:03:34 EST 2020
Apologies for cross-posting
Dear Colleagues,
Please find below the invitation to contribute to the:
Affect Recognition in-the-wild: Uni/Multi-Modal Analysis Workshop,
which will be held in conjunction with the IEEE Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG) Conference 2020 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18-22 May 2020.
The workshop aims at advancing the state-of-the-art in the problem of analysis of human affective behavior in-the-wild. It solicits any original paper on databases, benchmarks and technical contributions related to affect recognition, using audio, visual or other modalities (e.g., EEG), in unconstrained conditions. Either uni-modal, or multi-modal approaches will be considered. It would be of particular interest to see methodologies that study detection of action units based on audio data (with the recent development of the largest in-the-wild audiovisual database, Aff-Wild2, annotated in terms of three behavior tasks: valence-arousal, basic expressions and action units).
The scope of the workshop includes but is not limited to contributions in the following topics:
(a) databases for spontaneous and naturalistic:
i) facial expression or micro-expression analysis, or
ii) facial action unit detection, or
iii) valence-arousal estimation, ”in the-wild”.
(b) methodologies for:
i) facial expression or micro-expression analysis, or
ii) facial action unit detection, or
iii) valence-arousal estimation, ”in the wild”;
The methodologies can use uni-modal or multi-modal information (e.g., visual, audio data, hand and body gestures, EEG, EDA)
(c) methodologies for action unit prediction from audio (e.g., using Aff-Wild2, which is an audiovisual database)
(d) domain-adaptation techniques for the above described behavior tasks (either using Aff-Wild2, or any other database, or combination of databases).
• 14 February 2020 - Paper submission deadline
• 21 February 2020 - Review decisions sent to authors; Notification of acceptance
• 28 February 2020 - Camera ready version deadline
Accepted workshop papers will appear at IEEE FG 2020 proceedings.
The paper format should adhere to the paper submission guidelines for FG2020.
The submission process will be handled through the CMT<>.
Aleix M. Martinez, Ohio State University, United States
Pablo Barros, Italian Institute of Technology,Italy
Stefanos Zafeiriou, Imperial College London, UK
Dimitrios Kollias, Imperial College London, UK
Attila Schulc, Realeyes - Emotional Intelligence
In case of any queries, please contact dimitrios.kollias15 at<mailto:dimitrios.kollias15 at> .
Kind Regards,
Dimitrios Kollias,
on behalf of the organising committee
iBUG Group
Department of Computing
Imperial College London
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