Connectionists: Postdoc Position (3 years): Deep learning for poverty prediction from satellite images
Laure Berti
laure.berti at
Thu Jan 16 05:36:18 EST 2020
Postdoc Position (3 years): Deep learning for poverty prediction from
satellite images
Your Role
CESAB Montpellier, France is looking for a postdoc as part of the PARSEC
project funded by the Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB) and
the Belmont Forum. The candidate will implement and compare various deep
learning architectures for characterizing poverty in the context of land
desertification and predict consumption expenditure, using satellite
images in various resolutions (e.g. Sentinel 2 sensor with 10 to 60 m
resolution and 13 spectral bands, optical SPOT 6/7, and Pleiades images
with spatial resolution of 1.5 m and 0.5 m respectively) and other data
sources (e.g., the World Bank’s Living Standards Measurement Study
surveys, LSMS –, the Demographic and
Health Surveys (DHS –, and the Oxford Poverty
and Human Development Initiative (OPHI –
• PhD in Computer Science in the field of deep learning and machine
• Knowledge of satellite image analysis is a plus
• Proficiency in Python programming
• Fluent English
• Good communication skills
• Ambition to pursue high-profile and interdisciplinary research
Host structure
About FRB The Foundation for research on biodiversity (FRB) was created
in 2008. It gathers public research institutions, environmental NGOs,
land and genetic resources managers and the private sector. It provides
a forum where science meets society in order to address the current
challenges related to biodiversity research. About CESAB The Centre for
Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity (CESAB) is FRB’s main programme
and a leading research organization in Europe, with an international
reputation. Launched in 2008 after the “Grenelle de l’Environnement” by
the Ministries for research and for ecology, it was created by eight
public research institutions (BRGM, CIRAD, CNRS, IFREMER, INRA, IRD,
IRSTEA and MNHN), joined in 2014 by LVMH and in 2017 by the University
of Montpellier. Its aim is to implement the innovative work of synthesis
and analysis of existing data in the field of biodiversity. Advancing
knowledge, developing culture and collaboration, facilitating links
between scientific disciplines and with the stakeholders, are the main
objectives of CESAB, which welcomes every year a large number of
researchers from all continents.
Application instructions
Please send your application to laure(.)berti[@]ird(.)fr including:
• a detailed CV (research activities, publications, programming skills)
• a motivation letter
• the contact information of 2 referees.
Location: FRB – CESAB, 5, rue de l’École de Médecine, 34000 MONTPELLIER,
Salary: 2500€ gross/month
Contract: 3 years maximum, full time
Closing date for applications: Feb 15th, 2020 Starting date: May 2020,
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