Connectionists: [CFP] Continual Learning Challenge @ CVPR 2020 is open!

Vincenzo Lomonaco vinxlemons at
Mon Feb 24 04:25:42 EST 2020

 Dear all,

We are excited to announce the opening of the challenge on "*Continual
Learning for Computer Vision*" in the context of the *CLVision workshop at
CVPR 2020*!

*3 different tracks*, more than *2,300$* in prizes and a starting
repository with all the necessary to start without any effort!

*You are all invited to partecipate!*

 *Important Links*

   - Challenge Official Webpage
   - Codalab Evaluation Platform
   - GitHub Starting Repository


*Important Dates*

   - Beginning of the pre-selection phase (release of data and baselines):
   15th Feb 2020
   - *Scoreboard opening for submissions: 27th Feb 2020*
   - Pre-selection phase ends: 1st May 2020
   - Paper submission starts: 2st May 2020
   - Paper submission ends: 8st May 2020
   - Final evaluation starts: 9st May 2020
   - Final ranking is published: 20th May 2019

*CLVision Workshop Organizers*

   - Pau Rodriguez, Element AI.
   - German Parisi, University of Hamburg.
   - David Vazquez, Element AI.
   - Vincenzo Lomonaco, University of Bologna.
   - Nikhil Churamani, University of Cambridge.
   - Zhiyuan (Brett) Chen, Google.
   - Marc Pickett, Google Research.

*Challenge Chairs*

   - Giulia Pasquale, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
   - Qi (Roger) She, Intel AI Labs
   - Issam Laradji, University of British Columbia
   - Massimo Caccia, University of British Columbia

*Cordiali Saluti,*

*Vincenzo *
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