Connectionists: vision science student/postdoc positions in Zhaoping Lab, Tuebingen, Germany

Zhaoping Li li.zhaoping at
Thu Feb 6 09:50:04 EST 2020

The Natural Intelligence Lab, headed by Zhaoping Li at the University of 
Tübingen and Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, has 
positions available for highly motivated PhD students and postdocs 
interested in visual psychophysics and fMRI.

The lab is interested in all areas of vision science, with a particular 
focus on exploring a new framework for the visual system, whereby (1) V1 
is responsible for the initial saliency computations to select a part of 
the visual input for further processing, (2) V1 relays that saliency 
information directly to motor structures for generating short-latency 
orienting movements to place the selected visual object in the central 
visual field, and (3) stimuli in central and peripheral visual fields 
undergo differential processing by V1 and higher visual areas. We use a 
variety of experimental and theoretical techniques including human 
psychophysics and eye tracking, fMRI, TMS, ERP, and computational 
modeling. Current and planned projects involve visual search, gaze 
behavior, object recognition and visual illusions, among others. See 
more information.

Applicants should be skilled with visual psychophysics, fMRI and/or 
computational modeling. It is not necessary to have skills in both 
experiments and modeling although having both is a plus. Please send 
your CV and statement of research, or informal enquiries,to at < at>._

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