Connectionists: Deadline prolonged for postdoc position in functional neuroimaging

Albrecht Haase albrecht.haase at
Sun Dec 27 09:57:24 EST 2020

Applications are still possible until 13 January 2021 for the following 
exciting project:

*Characterization of a new transgenic animal model for in vivo 
whole-brain imaging at single-neuron resolution.*

*Research goals and tasks:*
The project is a collaboration between the University of Trento, the 
University of Düsseldorf, and the CNRS, Paris, to characterize the first 
transgenic honeybee model expressing a pan-neuronal calcium sensor 
(GCaMP6). This will allow minimally invasive functional imaging of 3D 
activity patterns and their dynamics at high spatial and temporal 
resolution using in vivo two-photon microscopy. It will grant 
simultaneous access to the entire brain to study neuronal correlates of 
a rich behavioural repertoire that includes odour discrimination and 
learning, navigation, and social communication.

The research fellow’s tasks will be, in collaboration with our partners, 
to optimize the maintenance of the recently generated first transgenic 
bee colonies and to contribute to the extension of the genetic toolkit. 
At the same time, she/he will conduct the first experiments of 
two-photon functional imaging in these transgenic bees to record and 
analyse activity patterns in different brain regions in response to 
different external stimuli (olfactory, visual, combinatorial). 
Furthermore, she/he will perform the first continuous long-term imaging 
experiments to study learning and memory formation.

*About us:*
The Neurophysics Group ( is an 
interdisciplinary research laboratory jointly operated by the Center for 
Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC) and the Department of Physics at the 
University of Trento, Italy. Our University is currently ranked 1st in 
the National Research Assessment Evaluations (RAE)for medium 
universities. Also the center has recently been recognized as the 
leading cognitive neuroscience research department in Italy. CIMeC's 
goal is to foster cutting-edge research on cognition and its neural 
underpinnings and to support the dissemination of these findings 
internationally and within the local community. As an interdisciplinary 
research and teaching center, it draws on faculty from several 
departments, including Psychology and Cognitive Science, Biology, 
Physics, Mathematics, and Information Engineering and Computer Science. 
CIMeC’s faculty members originate from Argentina, Belgium, Germany, 
France, Italy, Israel, New Zealand, UK, USA, and beyond.*

*Duration of the fellowship: *24 months

*Expected starting date: *February 2021

*Required qualifications:*

  * a PhD in biology, neuroscience, engineering, or related disciplines
  * appropriate scientific curriculum, documenting the scientific and
    professional experience required to carry out the described research
  * advanced experience in microscopy and post-processing and analysis
    of imaging data
  * experience in beekeeping is an advantage, the preparedness to learn
    it is required
  * excellent English language skills

*Applications: *

  * ​via email to albrecht.haase at
  * attaching a CV and contact details to at least 2 references
  * deadline: 13 January 2021

Dr. Albrecht Haase
Associate Professor of Applied Physics
Head of the Neurophysics Group, Center for Mind/Brain Sciences - CIMeC
Head of the Laboratory for Biophotonics and Neurophysics, Department of Physics
University of Trento

Piazza Manifattura 1, Building 14, 38068 Rovereto (TN), Italy
Tel office: +39 0464 808699

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