Connectionists: Reminder: Call for Chapters -- Sustainable Smart Cities: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Considerations -- Studies in Computational Intelligence (Springer)

Marcin Paprzycki marcin at
Tue Dec 8 06:29:47 EST 2020

Call for contributions – edited volume

Sustainable Smart Cities: Theoretical Foundations and Practical 

Volume Editors:
Pradeep Kumar Singh
Marcin Paprzycki
Mohammad Essaaidi
Shahram Rahimi

Book Series: SPRINGER --> Studies in Computational Intelligence

The prime objective of the book is to explore the current areas of 
research and development, and challenges to be faced in different areas, 
as related to making cities smart. We are particularly interested in, 
real-world-grounded, solutions facilitated from the technology and 
computing perspectives. However, we are also open to, technology 
oriented, considerations related to the social aspects of development of 
smart cities of the future.

It can be easily observed that (i) Internet of things (IoT),(ii) cloud, 
fog/edge computing,(iii) data science-based solutions,(iv) 5G and other 
networking technologies,(v) distributed ledger/blockchain & security, as 
well as (vi) artificial intelligence & machine learning, are the key 
technologies for smart cities. All of them are parts of integrated 
approaches and they have been used to deliver smart city applications 
like: intelligent traffic monitoring, innovative solutions for city 
monitoring (including video surveillance), smart homes and office 
buildings, smart parking, etc. In addition, smart transportation, smart 
energy solutions, disaster management, and smart healthcare have been 
identified as some of the key requirements for future cities to be seen 
as smart.

Numbers of unique sustainable solutions have been proposed by 
researchers working in the area of data science, to fulfill the dream of 
the smart city. However, up to now, proposed approaches are, much too 
often, just academic ideas, published in journals and conference 
proceedings. A lot more work is needed to be able to make these ideas a 
reality. This is also why we propose this book as a way to bring 
together ideas and possible ways of realizing them.

Moreover, smart cities cannot be created without the involvement of all 
the stakeholders of the city, namely, local community, government, NGOs, 
academia and industry. They have to understand technology and on the 
basis of such understanding, jointly, formulate reasonable plans for 
“smartifying” their city. Note also that each city may have different 
hierarchy of needs that should be addressed. This is why we invite also 
reflection on how to involve all the city’s stakeholders to jointly work 
to make their city smart for the citizens.

We are inviting chapters addressing topics from any of the six major 
areas. Contributions in the form of research articles, reviews, 
taxonomies, lists of solved and unsolved problems, findings of special 
interest in the context of smart city technologies, and social aspects 
of their realization.

* Social aspects of making city smart
* 5G and other networking technologies for smart cities
* Data science and business analytics for smart cities
* IoT, edge/ fog and cloud for smart cities
* Distributed ledger . blockchain and security solutions for smart cities
* Artificial intelligence and machine learning for smart cities

Full Chapter Submission: 30 January, 2021

Acceptance: 30 March, 2021

Tentative Publication: June, 2021

Submissions (Easy Chair Only):

Pradeep Kumar Singh (pradeep_84cs at
Marcin Paprzycki (marcin.paprzycki at

Additional information:

* There is no explicit limit on the length of the contribution.

* Comprehensive state-of-the-art review is expected and required.

* The similarity index must be below 20% from all sources.

* There is NO PUBLICATION FEE at any stage of the process.

* Appropriate Springer Template (for the Studies in Computational 
Intelligence series) must be used. Use of LaTeX is strongly encouraged.

* Contributors are responsible for delivery of material written in high 
quality English, error free, formatted according to the required 
specification. Texts formatted using different templates, full for 
spelling/grammar errors, written in incomprehensible English, will be 
rejected without review.

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