Connectionists: 4 academic vacancies at School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow

Roderick Murray-Smith Roderick.Murray-Smith at
Mon Aug 31 09:27:41 EDT 2020

The School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow is recruiting to 11 new academic positions
4 of which are in data science and might be of interest to this mailing list. The deadline for the data science posts is 16th September 2020.

*       2 x Research & Teaching permanent academic positions (at Lecturer / Senior Lecturer / Reader, as appropriate to experience)
      Applications for the post are welcome in any research areas of Computing Science that complement the existing strengths in the School within the general area of Data Science of interest to the Section for Information, Data and Analytics. This includes topics such as Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, ML in Science, Fairness, Transparency & Explainability, Algorithmic Bias & Ethics, Vision systems, Computational Interaction, Conversational systems/agents, Knowledge Bases & NLP, Recommender Systems, Media & Data Science.

*       2 x Learning & Teaching fixed contract posts
      To contribute to the delivery of an excellent student experience by contributing to teaching, assessment and administration processes associated with undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and to undertake scholarship to enhance learning and teaching in the School of Science, in the area of Data Science. This will typically include strengths in Python,  Pandas and database system skills, as well as data visualization and data manipulation. Experience with cloud-based systems would be beneficial. Applicants should have core Machine Learning practical and theoretical skills and, ideally, some advanced skills in ML, such as deep learning experience with Tensorflow or pyTorch and NLP.
      This is primarily a teaching-related post. Data science academics with an interest in a research and teaching post are recommended to apply for Vacancy ref: 040667 above instead.

If you have any interest in these posts, please contact me on Roderick.Murray-Smith at<mailto:Roderick.Murray-Smith at> , or apply directly.

Professor Roderick Murray-Smith
Head of Section, Information, Data and Analysis Section,
Inference, Dynamics and Interaction Research Group
School of Computing Science
University of Glasgow
Phone: +44 141 330 4984
An t-Ollamh Ruairidh Murray-Smith
Ceannard Roinne, Roinn Fiosrachaidh, Dàta agus Anailis
Buidheann Rannsachaidh air Oidheam, Dinimigeachd agus Eadar-obrachadh
Sgoil Saidheans na Coimpiutaireachd
Oilthigh Ghlaschu

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