Connectionists: Book on Quantum Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Machine Learning

Andrzej Wichert andreas.wichert at
Fri Aug 21 04:32:23 EDT 2020

Dear All,

Recently the 2nd edition of my book 

"Principles of Quantum Artificial Intelligence: Quantum Problem Solving and Machine Learning” was published  from World Scientific, <>

Most of the chapters were rewritten and extensive new materials were updated.
New topics include quantum machine learning including Linear-Algebra Based Quantum Machine Learning and Adiabatic Quantum Computation
and Quantum Annealing, quantum-like Bayesian networks and mind in Everett many-worlds.

Maybe it is of some interest to you.

Best Wishes,
Andreas Wichert

Prof. Auxiliar Andreas Wichert

Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade de Lisboa
Campus IST-Taguspark 
Avenida Professor Cavaco Silva                 Phone: +351  214233231
2744-016 Porto Salvo, Portugal

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