Connectionists: CfP - Soc2Net: 2nd International workshop on Modeling and mining Social-Media-driven Complex Networks @ ASONAM 2020
Roberto Interdonato
interdonatos at
Mon Aug 17 09:37:19 EDT 2020
Soc2Net: 2nd International workshop on Modeling and Mining
Social-Media-driven Complex Networks @ ASONAM 2020
Virtual Event: Due to the uncertainty about sanitary measures and travel
restrictions, Soc2Net 2020 is planned fully online as a virtual event.
Paper submission deadline: September 28, 2020
Acceptance notification: October 23, 2020
The growing availability of multi-faceted social media data gives rise to
unprecedented opportunities for unveiling complex real-world online
behaviors. This also supports the proliferation of complex network models
where the expressive power of the graph-based relational structure is
enhanced through exposing several types of features that are peculiar of
the social media platforms. This workshop aims to explore innovative
methods that are designed to improve our understanding of behaviors and
relations underlying feature-rich networks built upon social media, here
called social-media-driven complex networks. Exemplary network models of
such kind include heterogeneous, multilayer/multiplex/multirelational
networks, temporal, location-aware, and probabilistic networks, and any
other type of data-driven network that can be inferred from social media
data contexts.
The aim of the Soc2Net workshop, that will be held as a virtual event in
conjunction with The 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in
Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2020), is to bring together
researchers and practitioners from around the world interested in 1)
exploring different perspectives and approaches to mine social-media-driven
complex networks, 2) analyzing user behavior and evolution in
social-media-driven complex networks, and 3) building models and frameworks
for evaluating the respective approaches.
Authors are encouraged to evaluate their models, methods, metrics and
algorithms on real-world social networks built upon publicly available
datasets. We solicit interdisciplinary submissions focusing on topics of
interest to different research communities, including social science,
economics and digital humanities.
- Foundations of Learning and Mining in social-media-driven complex networks
- Centrality and Ranking in social-media-driven complex networks
- Community Detection in social-media-driven complex networks
- Link Prediction in social-media-driven complex networks
- Simplification/pruning/sampling of social-media-driven complex networks
- User Behavior Modeling in social-media-driven complex networks
- Influence propagation in social-media-driven complex networks
- Reputation and Trust computing in social-media-driven complex networks
- Embedding and Deep Learning in social-media-driven complex networks
- Probabilistic and Uncertain social-media-driven complex networks
- Time-evolving social-media-driven complex networks
- Hypergraph-based modeling, analysis and learning problems
- Cross-Domain problems in social-media-driven complex networks
- Visualization of social-media-driven complex networks
- Personalization and Recommendation in social-media-driven complex networks
- Mobility in social-media-driven complex networks
- Vertex similarity in multiplex and social-media-driven complex networks
- Multiplex and social-media-driven complex networks evolution models
- Multiplex network and dynamic network mining
- Ensemble learning for social-media-driven complex networks mining
- Pattern mining in social-media-driven complex networks
We welcome original contributions, including papers discussing ongoing
research projects.
Contributions can be of two types: either short position papers (2 to 3
pages including references) or full research papers (6 to 8 pages including
Papers must follow the IEEE two-column template, in compliance to the main
Accepted contributions will be made available electronically through the
CEUR Workshop Proceedings platform (
Authors of selected contributions will be invited to submit an extended
version of their accepted paper (either type) to the Frontiers in Big Data
journal (
Paper submission deadline: September 28, 2020
Acceptance notification: October 23, 2020
Final manuscripts due: October 30, 2020
Roberto Interdonato, CIRAD, UMR Tetis, Montpellier, France,
roberto.interdonato at
Sabrina Gaito, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, gaito at
Alessandra Sala, Nokia Bell Labs, Dublin, Ireland,
alessandra.sala at
Andrea Tagarelli, University of Calabria, Italy, andrea.tagarelli at
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