Connectionists: Real robot challenge

Georg Martius georg.martius at
Fri Aug 7 05:57:09 EDT 2020

Dear colleagues,

jointly many colleagues at Max Planck and NYU we are organizing a
challenge for learning dexterous manipulation on real robots [1].
The challenge starts with a simulation phase on 10th of August where
anyone can participate. This will serve as a qualification round to get
access to the real platforms.

We currently host multiple robotic platforms at the Max Planck Institute
for Intelligent Systems. Participants will submit their code as they
would for a cluster. This will allow teams to gather hundreds of hours
of real robot data with minimal effort. We provide a simulator in
PyBullet, tutorials and an easy to use interface. Please check our
website [1] and twitter [2] for more details.

Best wishes,


Dr. Georg Martius
Phone: +49 7071 601 1719
Office: N-1.015/1
Group Leader
Autonomous Learning Group
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Max-Planck-Ring 4 (former Spemannstr 34), 72076 Tuebingen, Germany

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