Connectionists: !!! 2nd cfp for CogALex (Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon), a workshop co-located with COLING !!!

Michael Zock michael.zock at
Sat Apr 25 08:39:42 EDT 2020


CogALex-VI, a Workshop on "Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon"

co-located with COLING 2020 Please pay attention to the newdeadlines, 
and apologies for 

Call for Papers

*Cognitive Aspectsof the Lexicon*

*Workshop*co-located with *COLING*
(28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics),
Barcelona, Spain, *December 12, 2020


Paper submission deadline: August 15, 2020
camera-ready version : October  20, 2020

For latest information always look here

*1 Background

Supporting us in many tasks (/thinking, searching/, /memorizing/ and 
/communicating)/ words are important. Hence, one may wonder how to build 
tools supporting their learning and usage (access/navigation). Alas the 
answer is not quite as straightforward as it may seem. It depends on 
various factors: the questioner's /background/ (lexicography, 
psychology, computer science), the /task /(production/reception), and 
the /material support/ (hardware). Words in books, computers and the 
human brain are not the same. Obviously, being aware of this, different 
communities have focused on different issues —(dictionary building; 
creation of navigational tools; representation and organization of 
words; time course for accessing a word, etc.)— yet,  their views and 
  respective goals have changed considerably over time.

Rather than considering the lexicon as a static entity, where discrete 
units (words) are organized alphabetically (database view), dictionaries 
are now viewed dynamically, i.e., as lexical graphs, whose entities are 
linked in various ways (topical relations; associations) and whose 
weight links may vary over time. While lexicographers view words as 
products (holistic entities), psychologists and neuroscientists view 
them as processes (decomposition), involving various steps or layers 
(representations) between an input and an output.

Computational linguists have their own ways to look at words, and their 
proposals have also changed quite a bit during the last decade./Discrete 
count-based vector representations /have successively been replaced by 
/continuous vectors/ (i.e., word embeddings) and then by 
/language-model-based contextualized representations/. These latter are 
more powerful than any of the other forms, as they are able to account 
for context ambiguity, outperforming the static models (including 
word-embeddings) in a broad range of tasks.

As one can see, different communities look at words from different 
angles, which can be an asset, as complementary views may help us to 
broaden and deepen our understanding of this fundamental cognitive 
resource. Yet, this diversity of perspectives can also a problem, in 
particular if the field is rapidly moving on, as in our case. Hence it 
becomes harder and harder for everyone, including experts, to remain 
fully informed about the latest changes (state of the art). This is one 
of the reasons why we organize this workshop. More precisely, our goal 
is not only to keep people informed without getting them crushed by the 
information glut, but also to help them to perceive clearly what is new, 
relevant, hence important. Last, but not least, we would like to connect 
people from different communities in the hope that this may help them to 
gain new insights or inspirations.

*2 Scope and Topics*

This workshop is about possible /enhancements/ of /lexical resources/ 
(representation, organization of the data, etc.). To allow for this we 
invite researchers to submit their contributions. The idea is to discuss 
the limitations of existing resources and to explore possible 
enhancements that take into account the users’ and the engineers' needs 
(computational aspects).

Also, just like in the past we propose again a 'shared task'. This time 
the goal is to provide a common benchmark for testing lexical 
representations for the automatic identification of lexical semantic 
relations (synonymy, antonymy, hypernymy, part-whole meronymy) in 
various languages (English, Chinese, and so on).

For this workshop we solicit papers including but not limited to the 
following *topics*, each of which can be considered from various points 
of view: /linguistics /(lexicography, computational- or corpus 
linguistics), /neuro/- or /psycholinguistics/ (tip-of-the-tongue 
problem, word associations), /network/-related sciences (vector-based 
approaches, graph theory, small-world problem), and so on.

1 Organization, i.e. structure of the lexicon

  * Micro- and macrostructure of the lexicon;
  * Indexical categories (taxonomies, thesaurus-like topical structures,
  * Map of the lexicon (topology) and relations between words (word

2   The meaning of words and how to reveal it

  * Lexical representation (holistic, decomposed);
  * Meaning representation (concept based, primitives);
  * Distributional semantics (count models, neural embeddings, etc. )

3   Analysis of the conceptual input given by a dictionary user

  * What information do language producers typically provide when
    looking for a word (terms, relations)?
  * What kind of relational information do they give: typed or untyped
  * Which relations are typically used?

4 Methods for crafting dictionaries or indexes

  * Manual, automatic or collaborative building of dictionaries and
    indexes (crowdsourcing, serious games, etc.);
  * Extraction of associations from corpora to build semantic networks
    supporting navigation;
  * (Semi-) automatic induction of the link type (e.g., synonym,
    hypernym, meronym, ...).

5 Creation of new types of dictionaries

  * Concept dictionary;
  * Dictionary of larger segments than words (clauses, phrasal elements);
  * Dictionary of patterns or concept-patterns;
  * Dictionary of syllables.

6 Dictionary access (navigation and search strategies), interface issues

  * Search based on sound (rhymes), meaning or contextually related
    words (associations);
  * Determination of appropriate search space based on the user’s
    cognitive state (information available at the onset: query) and
    meta-knowledge (knowledge concerning the relationship between the
    input and the target word), ...
  * Identification of typical word access strategies (navigational
    patterns) used by people;
  * Interface problems, data visualization.

*3  Workshop Submissions*

The workshop features two tracks:

  * A*regular research track*, where the submissions must be
    substantially original.
  * A *shared task track*, with submissions consisting of system
    description papers.

The regular research track submissions should follow one of the 2 formats:

  * *Long papers*(9 content pages + references) should report on solid
    and finished research including new experimental results, resources
    and/or techniques.
  * *Short papers*(4 content pages + references) should report on small
    experiments, focused contributions, ongoing research, negative
    results and/or philosophical discussion.

Submissions must be anonymized, conform to the style sheet of COLING 
(, and be submitted via 
their website ( 
While some papers may be accepted only as posters, in the proceedings no 
distinction will be made between them and full papers.

*4 Important Dates*

*Workshop papers*

  * Paper *submission deadline*: August15, 2020
  * Notification of acceptance: September 20, 2020
  * Camera-ready papers due: October20, 2020
  * Workshop date: December 12, 2020**


***Shared task*

  * Release of development data : August1st, 2020
  * Release of test data : September 1st, 2020
  * Announcement of winners : October 1st, 2020
  * Shared task papers due: October20, 2020

*5 Invited Speaker***

//*Alex Arenas*//( 

Alephsys Lab, Computer Science & Mathematics,

Universidad Rovira i Virgili, 43007 Tarragona, Spain

*6 Workshop Organizers*

  * Michael Zock (LIS, CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France)
  * Alessandro Lenci (Comput. Linguistics Laboratory, University of
    Pisa, Italy)
  * Enrico Santus (MIT Computer Science & AI Lab, Boston, USA)
  * Emmanuele Chersoni (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China)

7 Program Committee*

see :

8 Contacts*

For *general questions*, please get in touch with /Michael Zock/

e-mail:michael.zock at <mailto:michael.zock at>


Concerning the*shared task*,**please contact*

Enrico Santus                 (esantus at 
<mailto:esantus at>), or

    Emmanuele Chersoni     (emmanuelechersoni at 
<mailto:emmanuelechersoni at>)


Michael ZOCK

Directeur de Recherche Émérite
LIS UMR CNRS 7020 (Groupe TALEP)
Aix Marseille Université
163 Avenue de Luminy - case 901

F-13288 Marseille/France

Mail: michael.zock at
Tel.:  +33 (0)

Secr.: +33 (0)
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