Connectionists: CLOSING SOON: Postdoctoral position in brain network modelling

Adeel Razi adeel.razi at
Tue Apr 21 05:42:19 EDT 2020

 Dear all,

This is a reminder regarding the postdoc position which is still open in
our group and about to close on 26th April. Details below and apply here:

Best wishes,

On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 8:03 PM Adeel Razi <adeel.razi at> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Are you interested in brains, networks, models, Bayes, dynamical systems,
> and neuroimaging (or some combination of these) and looking for a
> postdoctoral position? We have a Research Fellow position available in
> Melbourne at the Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health.
> This position is funded for two years, in the first instance, to work with
> a team of collaborators at Monash University (Adeel Razi, Lead), University
> of Melbourne (Andrew Zalesky) and University College London (Karl Friston).
> You will be situated within the Computational and Systems Neuroscience
> Laboratory: For further details see below. For
> position description and applying online go here:
> For any informal inquiries please get in touch at adeel.razi at
> Best wishes,
> Adeel
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> *The Opportunity*
> This exciting new Research Fellow position will generate research relevant
> to the development of brain connectivity analysis methods, with a focus on
> Dynamic Causal Modelling (DCM), which is a framework for modelling neural
> circuitry (i.e. effective connectivity).
> You will be part of an interdisciplinary team of researchers who develop
> and apply novel analysis methodology for inferring brain connectivity using
> multimodal neuroimaging. The appointee will coordinate development efforts
> as part of an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project awarded
> to Monash University (Dr Adeel Razi, Lead Investigator), University of
> Melbourne (Associate Professor Andrew Zalesky) and University College
> London (Professor Karl Friston).
> Ideally we are seeking someone with an honours degree in Engineering,
> Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Psychology and a doctoral
> qualification (or close to completion) in Neuroscience, Biomedical
> Engineering or closely related field relevant to functional MRI.
> If you have a programming ability in either MATLAB, Python or R, strong
> quantitative background and good knowledge of multimodal neuroimaging, we
> look forward to receiving your application.
> This role is a full-time position; however, flexible working arrangements
> may be negotiated.
> At Monash University, we are committed to being a Child Safe organisation.
> Some positions at the University will require the incumbent to hold a
> valid Working with Children Check.
> Your application must address the selection criteria. Please refer to "How
> to apply for Monash Jobs
> <>".
> *Enquiries*
> Dr Adeel Razi, Senior Research Fellow, +61 3 9905 0109
> --
> *Adeel Razi, PhD *
> Director, Computational & Systems Neuroscience Laboratory
> Senior Lecturer & ARC DECRA Fellow
> <>
> Deputy Program Lead - Brain Mapping and Modelling
> *Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health*
> *Monash Biomedical Imaging*
> Monash University
> Honorary Senior Research Fellow
> *Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging*
> University College London, United Kingdom
> *E*: adeel.razi at | *P*: +61 (03) 99050109 | *T*: @adeelrazi
> <> | *A*: Room 116, 770 Blackburn Road, Clayton
> campus, VIC 3800, Australia
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