Connectionists: Call for application for Post-Doc Research Grants (SMART SE4I Project, DiST – Università di Napoli Parthenope)

Angelo Ciaramella angelo.ciaramella at
Fri Sep 27 09:07:59 EDT 2019

The Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”, Dipartimento di
Scienze e Tecnologie (DiST),  announces a public call for
applications, considering qualifications and interviews, for the
assignation n. 2 research grants for the following research activity
related to the project Smart Energy Efficiency & Environment for
Industry - SMART SE4I:

Development of an intelligent video surveillance system prototype by
using machine / deep learning techniques: study of tracking and
positioning techniques for the implementation of geofencing policies.

Scientific responsible of the research grant: Dr. Antonino Staiano

Supervisors of the first grant: Dr. Antonino Staiano and Dr. Fabio Narducci
Supervisor of the second grant: Prof. Angelo Ciaramella


The duration of the research grant is 12 months renewable if the
scientific manager receives a positive opinion and funds are available
on the balance sheet.  The gross amount of the research grant is
€30.000, inclusive of all the taxes to be borne by the recipient of
the grant; this amount does not include the burdens paid by the
Università di Napoli “Parthenope”. The research grant is paid in
monthly instalments.

Candidates allowed to participate in the selection are only those in
possession of:
- a scientific professional curriculum suitable for carrying out the
research activity, as long as it is relevant to the scientific sector
for which the grant is awarded;
- the following qualifications and professional experience:
# Post-graduate degrees in Computer Science (LM-18), Computer
Engineering (LM-32), Mathematics (LM-18), Physics (LM-32) or any other
equivalent title in the disciplines relating to the Information and
Communication Technologies, pursuant to Ministerial Decree n.
509/1999, 270/2004 or university degree (with a course duration of not
less than 4 years, as referred to in the pre-existing academic
regulations pursuant to D.M. n. 509/1999) or qualification obtained
abroad, recognized as equivalent or equivalent to the Italian degree
on the basis of international agreements, or in the manner referred to
in art. 332 of the T.U. n. 1592/1933.
# PhD in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or within the
scientific themes for which the grant is awarded.

- The following titles are preferential:
# Documented experience in the field Computer Vision, Image
Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Object Positioning and

More information:
For more details about the position, please contact Dr. Antonio
Maratea (antonio.maratea at
For instructions on how to apply, please go to

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