Connectionists: Call for application for Post-Doc Research Grants (SMART SE4I Project, DiST – Università di Napoli Parthenope)

Antonino Staiano antonino.staiano at
Sat Sep 28 02:34:57 EDT 2019

The Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”, Dipartimento di Scienze
e Tecnologie (DiST), announces a public call for applications, considering
qualifications and interviews, for the assignation n. 5 research grants for
the following research activity related to the project Smart Energy
Efficiency & Environment for Industry - SMART SE4I:

- Development of an intelligent video surveillance system prototype by
using machine / deep learning techniques: study of tracking and positioning
techniques for the implementation of geofencing policies (1 grant).

- Development of an intelligent video surveillance system prototype by
using machine / deep learning techniques: analysis of video flows and
Situational Awareness techniques for decision support (2 grants).

- Development of an intelligent video surveillance system prototype by
using machine / deep learning techniques: study of a multimodal biometric
and license plate key as an access mode to controlled areas (2 grants).

The duration of the research grant is 12 months renewable if the scientific
manager receives a positive opinion and funds are available on the balance
sheet. The gross amount of the research grant is € 30.000, inclusive of all
the taxes to be borne by the recipient of the grant; this amount does not
include the burdens paid by the Università di Napoli “Parthenope”. The
research grant is paid in monthly instalments.


For more details about the positions, please contact
- Antonino Staiano: antonino.staiano at
- Angelo Ciaramella: angelo.ciaramella at
- Francesco Camastra: francesco.camstra at
- Antonio Maratea: antonio.maratea at
- Alessio Ferone: alessio.ferone at

Antonino Staiano

Antonino Staiano, PhD
Assistant Professor
Dept. Science and Technology
University of Naples Parthenope, Italy
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