Connectionists: Deadline extended of one week to submit your talk for OSE5 (Workshop on Optimisation in Space Engineering)

Annalisa Riccardi annalisa.riccardi at
Mon Sep 23 10:47:47 EDT 2019

Dear Colleague,

the deadline to submit your talk to the 5th Workshop on Optimisation in Space Engineering (OSE5) has been extended of one week. While no full paper is required to present at the workshop, a special issue has been organised on the Springer "Optimisation and Engineering" journal

The workshop will take place on 21-22 November 2019 at the Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

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The NEW important dates of OSE5 are:

* 30th September 2019: Presentation title and abstract submission
* 4th October 2019: Notification of acceptance & registrations open
* 25th October 2019: Early registration closes (late registrations will be possible till the date of the event, subject to higher fees)
* 23 November, 2019: Submissions for special issue are open
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Please submit your 2000 characters abstract to

You can find more  info about OSE5 at

We look forward to welcoming you in Ljubljana in November!

Best Regards,
OSE5 Organising Committee
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