Connectionists: Fields Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship in computational/theoretical neuroscience

Lyle Muller lmuller2 at
Wed Sep 18 09:57:01 EDT 2019

Applications are invited for a Fields Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship in the lab of Lyle Muller at the Department of Applied Mathematics and the Brain and Mind Institute at Western University (London, Ontario). In collaboration with Laurent Perrinet (INT Marseille), this research will focus on computation with spatiotemporal dynamics in neural networks. The project will use spiking neural networks and machine learning models to understand the role of spatiotemporal dynamics in active vision. Interested candidates can refer to Muller et al., Nature Reviews Neuroscience 19, 2018 for further details.

This work will utilize a combination of large-scale numerical simulations and analytical approaches. Prior experience with scientific computing languages (MATLAB, Julia, or Python) and low-level programming (C/C++) is preferred. Prior experience with computational modeling, dynamical systems, and random graph theory is also preferred. Western University offers an excellent research environment and support. Candidates can write to lmuller2 at<mailto:lmuller2 at> with a CV to arrange an interview.

Both our group and the University are deeply committed to fostering diversity in the sciences. Applications from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged, and any interested applicants can write the PI (lmuller2 at<mailto:lmuller2 at>) directly with questions about the research environment.

Lyle Muller
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