Connectionists: Postdoc position in developmental cognitive neuroscience/psychology (Frankfurt, Germany)

Yee Lee Shing shing at
Wed Sep 11 04:54:06 EDT 2019

The Faculty of Psychology and Sports Sciencesof Johann Wolfgang Goethe 
University Frankfurt, at the group of Developmental Psychology (led by 
Prof. Dr. Yee Lee Shing), is offering a postdoctoral researcher position 
(funded by an ERC Starting Grant*)* *starting January/February 2020*for 
an initial duration of 2 years (1 year extension possible). The salary 
grade is based on the job characteristics of the collective agreement 
(TV-G-U) applicable to Goethe University.

The successful candidate will conduct research in the fields of 
long-term memory systems, predictive processing, and lifespan 
development, using computational modeling, experimental, and/or 
neuroimaging (fMRI/EEG) methods.Applicants should have a Ph.D. in 
cognitive neuroscience, psychology, or related disciplines. Computer 
programming skills (Matlab, Unix, Python, and/or R) are expected. 
Applicants should be highly motivated for research, have excellent 
organizational skills, and be able to communicate effectively with 
outstanding writing ability.

Please send your electronic application (as a single PDF file), 
comprised of cover letter, CV, copy of formal certificates, and letters 
of recommendation, to Prof. Dr. Yee Lee Shing 
(shing at, *latest by 07.10.2019*.

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