Connectionists: AKBC 2020: Call for participation
Dipanjan Das
dipanjand at
Thu Oct 3 13:37:06 EDT 2019
Dear Colleagues,
My apologies if you see this cross-posted. Please circulate among your
AKBC 2020
2nd Conference on Automated Knowledge Base Construction (AKBC)
June 22-24, 2020, Monday-Wednesday, Irvine, CA
Homepage: ; Email: info at
Key dates
Abstract submission deadline: February 6. 2020
Paper submission deadline: February 13, 2020
Notification of acceptance: April 20, 2020
Conference & Workshop Dates: June 22-24, 2020
Knowledge Base Construction
Knowledge gathering, representation, and reasoning are among the
fundamental challenges of artificial intelligence. Large-scale
repositories of knowledge about entities, relations, and their abstractions
are known as “knowledge bases”. Most major technology companies now have
substantial efforts in knowledge base construction. Related scholarly work
spans many research areas, including machine learning, natural language
processing, computer vision, information integration, databases, search,
data mining, knowledge representation, human computation, human-computer
interfaces, and fairness. The AKBC conference serves as a research forum
for all these areas, in both academia and industry.
New Conference
Nearly ten years after the first AKBC workshop in Grenoble, France, AKBC
has become a conference, with its widely-acclaimed first instantiation last
year in Amherst MA. Why a new stand-alone conference?
Long-standing and growing interest in the area, now with too much
material for a one-day workshop. We have sufficient material for a two-day
conference plus topical workshops.
We want to grow and connect the community beyond existing individual
conference communities, bringing together ML, NLP, DB, IR, KRR, semantics,
reasoning, common sense, QA, human computation, dialog, HCI.
We want to set our own culture, including reviewing practices, and
meeting format. We have fond memories of the first AKBC 2010 in Grenoble: a
two-day meeting that included an afternoon hike in the Alps with much great
scientific discussion.
Why now? Growing interest across many areas. Disconnect among multiple
relevant communities. Growing industry and government interest. Many of
the long-existing conferences have grown uncomfortably large; a new,
smaller conference can be more intimate, hospitable, and supportive.
Call For Papers
We invite the submission of papers describing previously unpublished
research, including new methodology, datasets, evaluations, surveys,
reproduced results, negative results, and visionary positions.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Natural language processing, information extraction, extraction of
entities, relations, and events, semantic parsing, coreference, machine
reading, entailment, web mining, multilingual NLP.
Information integration, entity resolution, schema & ontology alignment,
text and structure alignment, federated KBs, Semantic Web.
Machine learning, supervised, unsupervised, lightly-supervised and
distantly-supervised learning, deep learning, symbolic learning, multimodal
learning, embeddings of knowledge.
Search, question-answering, reasoning, knowledge base completion,
queries on mixtures of structured and unstructured data; querying under
Multi-modal knowledge bases: structured data, text, images, video, audio.
Human-computer interaction, crowdsourcing, interactive learning.
Fairness, accountability, transparency, misinformation, multiple
viewpoints, uncertainty.
Databases, probabilistic databases, distributed databases, database
cleaning, scalable computation, distributed computation, dynamic data,
online adaptation of knowledge.
Systems, languages and toolkits, demonstrations of existing knowledge
Evaluation of AKBC, datasets, evaluation methodology.
Authors of accepted papers will have the option for their conference paper
to be archival (with full text in AKBC Proceedings, and be considered for
best paper awards) or non-archival (listed in AKBC Conference schedule,
with full text in OpenReview, and the flexibility to also submit
elsewhere). Double-blind reviewing will be performed on the OpenReview
platform, with papers, reviews and comments publicly visible, much like
ICLR 2020.
Papers should be restricted to 10 pages excluding references (the
equivalent of about 8 pages double column). Submission site:
Dual Submission Policy: Submissions that are identical (or substantially
similar) to versions that have been previously published, or accepted for
publication, are not allowed and violate our dual submission policy.
However, papers that cite previous related work by the authors and papers
that have appeared on non-peered reviewed websites (like arXiv) or that
have been presented at workshops (i.e., venues that do not have publication
proceedings) do not violate the policy. The policy is enforced during the
whole reviewing process period.
Invited Talks
Jonathan Berant <> (Tel Aviv University /
Allen Institute for AI)
William Cohen <> (Google AI)
Xin Luna Dong <> (Amazon)
Heng Ji <> (University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Jure Leskovec <> (Stanford)
Ndapandula Nakashole <> (University of California, San
Theodoros Rekatsinas <>(University of
Andrew Su <> (Scripps Institute)
Emma Strubell <> (Facebook/CMU)
Jamie Taylor <> (Google)
Benjamin Van Durme <> (John Hopkins
Diyi Yang <> (Georgia
Institute of Technology)
Luke Zettlemoyer <>
(University of Washington/Facebook)
In addition to the two-day conference program, we will have a one-day
collection of workshops on focused topics.
General Co-Chair Andrew McCallum <>,
University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
General Co-Chair Alon Halevy <>,
Facebook AI, USA
Program Co-chair Hannaneh Hajishirzi
<>, University of
Washington/Allen Institute for AI, USA
Program Co-chair Dipanjan Das <>, Google, USA
Workshop Co-chair Amanda Stent <>,
Bloomberg, USA
Workshop Co-chair Zachary Ives <>,
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Funding Chair Christopher Ré <>,
Stanford University, USA
Local Co-chair Sameer Singh <>, University of
California, Irvine, USA
Local Co-chair Matt Gardner <>, Allen
Institute for AI, USA
Area Chairs
Isabelle Augenstein <>, University of
Danqi Chen <>, Princeton University
Zornitsa Kozareva <>, Google
Kenton Lee <>, Google
Andre Martins <>, Unbabel and Instituto
Superior Técnico
Mausam <>, Indian Institute of
Technology, Delhi
Emily Pitler <>, Google
Xiang Ren <>, University of Southern
Alan Ritter <>, Ohio State University
Minjoon Seo <>, University of Washington
Vivek Srikumar, <> University of Utah
Ivan Titov <>, University of Edinburgh
Guy Van den Broeck <>, University of
California, Los Angeles
Byron Wallace <>, Northeastern University
Mark Yatskar <>, University of Pennsylvania
Questions? Please mail info at
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