Connectionists: Are you driven by the desire to enhance the understanding of the human brain and develop new therapies for neuropsychiatric disorders? - Call for PhDstudents & Postdoc researchers
Christine Köhler
Christine.Koehler at
Tue May 28 03:09:00 EDT 2019
Division for Functional and Resaurative Neurosurgery
Head Prof. Dr. A. Gharabaghi
Tübingen Neuro Campus
University of Tuebingen, Germany
Position: Postdoc/PhD student
Duration: 3 Years
Starting: As soon as possible
Deadline for submission: 30.06.2019
Are you driven by the desire to enhance the understanding of the human brain and develop new therapies for neuropsychiatric disorders?
Our group at the Div. Functional and Restorative Neurosurgery, University Hospital Tuebingen, Germany, unites neuroscientists, engineers, computer scientists and physicians following a common goal: To improve the lives of patients with neurological disorders using state-dependent and adaptive stimulation of the nervous system.
Postdocs and PhD students (f/m/d)
As a translational group, we work closely together with biomedical companies to gain access to new tools, combine basic studies on healthy subjects with clinical studies on patient populations, and apply the knowledge gained from these studies to develop and refine these new tools.
Representative work from the last months: Naros et al. Mov Disord. 2018, Khademi et al. Cereb Cortex. 2018, Kraus et al. J Neurosienci. 2018 and Guggenberger et al. Brain Stimul 2018
What you can expect
Design and evaluate novel brain stimulation paradigms. Investigate the effects of these paradigms using electrophysiological data. Expand the understanding of the human brain.
Opportunity to work with in vivo data. Examine electrophysiological signals from patients and healthy controls. We support your work with a broad range of pre-built analysis tools and assist you in designing your own approaches.
Access to state-of-the-art technologies to generate reliable results.
Join a team that is united by vision: to enhance the understanding of the human brain in order to invent and implement more effective therapies.
3-year-contract, third-party funded in accordance with German public service collective agreement pay scale and your previous experience.
Master’s degree or PhD in the field of Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, Data Science or related fields.
Solid understanding of statistical data analysis, digital signal processing and/or programming principles.
Programming skills in Python or MATLAB and/or experience in applying statistical tools, e.g. machine learning for data analysis.
Experience with relevant techniques, i.e. tDCS, TMS, NMES, M/EEG, and/or EMG.
Please find details for application at
Motivation letter including CV, publication record, names and e-mail addresses of thee professional references, Transcript of Records, TOEFL scores or other evidence of English and/or German proficiency.
We offer remuneration in accordance with TV-L (collective wage agreement for the Public Service of the German Federal States) in addition to all the customary benefits granted to employees working in public services.
Severely handicapped persons with equal qualifications are given preferential consideration. The University of Tuebingen is keen to increase its quota of female scientific staff and therefore requests women to apply for this position.
The administration of the University Hospital is responsible for all employment matters. Personnel appointments will made according to fundamental stipulations of legal statutes for universities in Germany. Interview expenses are not covered.
Application deadline is 1st July 2019
Please send your significant application electronically (PDF-files only) to:
VWKopf_Sekr at
University Hospital Tuebingen
Div. Functionals and Restorative Neurosurgery
Ms. Anita Kopf
Otfried-Mueller-Str. 45
72076 Tuebingen
Phone +49-7071-29-85849
Fax +49-7071-29-25104
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Christine Köhler
Assistentin / Sekretariat
Sektion Funktionelle und Restaurative Neurochirurgie
Neurochirurgische Universitätsklinik
Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
Otfried-Müller-Str. 45
72076 Tübingen
Tel. 07071 2985197
Mail: christine.koehler at
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