Connectionists: summer course "Hands-on course on neural data science" at UPC (Barcelona, Spain)

Matthieu Gilson matthieu.gilson at
Wed May 22 08:48:47 EDT 2019

Dear All,

It is our pleasure to announce a Hands-on course on neural data 
The course is part of the *XIII Summer School in Statistics* 
organized by the Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística (Universitat 
Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC) and the Universitat de Barcelona (UB).

*Venue:* UPC campus in Barcelona (Spain)

*Dates:* 1st to 5th of July 2019.

*Course Description:* 

The course focuses on several aspects of data science applied to data 
recorded from the brain: statistical modeling, graph theory, statistical 
analysis and machine learning. The course is based on a learn-by-coding 
philosophy: the students will develop a data-driven project throughout 
the course to understand and apply some of the taught techniques under 
the supervision of the teachers. Many methods explained during this 
course can be applied to different data outside brain sciences, so 
previous experience in neuroscience is not required.

The course includes statistical modeling of time series, graph theory 
(with GAlib package) and machine learning (with scikit-learn package).*


For further information, you cancontact _gestio.summerschool.fme at 
<mailto:gestio.summerschool.fme at>

Best regards,

Andrea Insabato, Adrià Tauste, Matthieu Gilson and Gorza Zamora-López

Matthieu Gilson
Center for Brain and Cognition
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

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