Connectionists: [CfP] ISWC 2019 - Call for Journal, Industry, Posters & Demos, Outrageous Ideas, and Workshop papers and Semantic Web Challenges systems

International Semantic Web Conference iswc.conf at
Fri May 3 08:46:31 EDT 2019

18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2019)
“Knowledge Graphs, Linked Data, Linked Schemas and AI on the Web”
Auckland, New Zealand, 26-30 October, 2019

The International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) is the premier venue for
presenting fundamental research, innovative technology, and applications
concerning semantics, data, and the Web. It is the most important
international venue to discuss and present latest advances and applications
of the semantic Web, knowledge graphs, linked data, ontologies and
artificial intelligence (AI) on the Web.

ISWC attracts a large number of high quality submissions every year and
participants from both industry and academia. ISWC brings together
researchers from different areas, such as artificial intelligence,
databases, natural language processing, information systems, human computer
interaction, information retrieval, web science, etc., who investigate,
develop and use novel methods and technologies for accessing, interpreting
and using information on the Web in a more effective way.

Follow us:
Twitter: @iswc_conf  , #iswc_conf ( )

Become part of ISWC 2019 by submitting to the following tracks & activities
or just attend them!
(All deadlines are 23:59:59 Hawaii time.)

In this announcement:
*  Highlights
1. Call for Journal papers
2. Call for Industry papers
3. Call for Posters & Demos papers
4. Call for Outrageous Ideas
5. Call for Workshop papers
6. Call for Semantic Web Challenges systems

*  Highlights
* Journal Track: Eligible papers should either have been published within
the Semantic Web Journal or Journal of Web Semantics or must be clearly
fitting the ISWC topics, if published in alternative established and
recognized journals. Eligible papers should have been published (even only
in the electronic version) in the last around two years, starting from
January 1st 2017 until present.
* The Outrageous Ideas track is sponsored by the prestigious CCC Blue Sky
* Posters & Demos track: poster submissions will be subject to **double
blind** peer review, whereas demonstration submissions are single-blind.

1. Call for Journal papers
 The journal track is intended as a forum for presentations of significant
Semantic Web-related research results that have been published recently in
well known and established journals and have never been presented at any
Semantic Web-related conference. The goal is to give visibility of these
results to a conference audience as well as to promote discussions
concerning such results.

Eligible papers should either have been published within the Semantic Web
Journal or Journal of Web Semantics or must be clearly fitting the ISWC
topics, if published in alternative established and recognized journals
(see the list below). Specifically, eligible papers should have been
published (even only in the electronic version) in the last around two
years (starting from January 1st 2017 until present), though exceptions
could be made for papers judged as potentially very influential but that
have been published before January 2017.

The authors of such papers will have the opportunity to present their work
during the conference days. The abstracts of accepted papers will be
published on the conference web site and the papers themselves will be
compiled into a CEUR-WS Proceedings for easy Web retrieval and archival,
but they will not be part of the printed Springer conference proceedings.
Metadata for all accepted submissions will be included in the conference
metadata corpus. Detailed information about metadata creation will be
provided with the acceptance notification of the successful submissions.

Further info:

== Important Dates ==
Submissions due                       May 29, 2019

== Program Chairs ==
Contact: iswc2019-journal at
Claudia d’Amato, University of Bari, Bari, Italy
Lalana Kagal, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA

2. Call for Industry papers
The industry track seeks to present the state of adoption of semantic
technologies in industrial settings. Semantics is used in applications in
many industries, including media, financials, telecommunications,
healthcare, life sciences, government, intelligence, smart cities,and
 cultural heritage. It enables applications capabilities as varied as
business intelligence, analytics, search, content management, knowledge
management, recommendation systems, information extraction and data

We encourage results and ideas from companies large and small. We welcome
contributions about success stories as well as experience reports and
discussions of obstacles that stand in the way of large-scale adoption of
semantic technologies.

Across all submissions, emphasis should be put on demonstrating the
business value and impact created by using semantic technologies to address
real life problems.

Come and join us at the ISWC 2019 industry track to share your experiences
with the largest community of researchers and practitioners in the Semantic
Web field!
Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
 - Applications of semantic technologies in specific industrial domains
(automotive, financial, healthcare and life sciences, energy industry, etc.)
 - Development and application of knowledge graphs for specific industries
 - Successful application domains: knowledge management, data integration,
search, business intelligence, data analytics, semantics-based explainable
AI, etc.
 - Industrial and business trends related to the usage of Linked Data, Open
Data and Semantic Web technologies
 - Comparison of semantic technologies with alternative or conventional
approaches for industry and business analytics in real world scenarios
 - Financial and strategic investments in semantic technologies

Successful submissions to this track will emphasize:
 - Real-world deployment experiences and strategic decision-making related
to semantic technologies
 - Success stories of business-relevant, industrial deployments of Semantic
Web technologies
 - Discussion of scalability of the presented technologies
 - Quantitative measurements of the business value created by using
semantic technologies
 - A clear description of the impact in the respective industry and
motivation for the need of semantic web technologies
 - Best practises and concrete lessons learned from these experiences,
measuring in a meaningful way the role of semantics and how it differs from
a solution that would otherwise be a state of the art IT solution with no
semantic technologies
 - Areas where further research (or research in novel directions) is
required, positioning and outlining potential strategic applications and
use cases of semantic technologies

Further info:

== Important Dates ==
Submissions due                       June 28, 2019

== Program Chairs ==
Contact: iswc2019-industry at
Anna Lisa Gentile, IBM Research, San Jose, California, US
Christophe Gueret, Accenture Labs Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

3. Call for Posters & Demos papers

The ISWC 2019 Posters and Demonstrations complement the paper tracks of the
conference and offer an opportunity for presenting late-breaking research
results, on-going research projects, and speculative or innovative work in
progress. The informal setting of the Posters and Demonstrations encourages
presenters and participants to engage in discussions about the work. Such
discussions can be invaluable inputs for the future work of the presenters,
while offering participants an effective way to broaden their knowledge of
the emerging research trends and to network with other researchers.

We invite submissions relevant to the area of the Semantic Web and which
address, but are not limited to, the topics of the Research Track, the
Resources Track, the In-Use Track, and the Industry Track. Posters that
describe reports on Semantic Web software systems (free or commercial),
descriptions of completed work, and work in progress are all welcome.
Demonstrations are intended to showcase innovative Semantic Web related
implementations and technologies, both in academia and in industry.

We explicitly welcome entries from the industry. However, submissions for
posters and demonstrations should go beyond pure advertisements of
commercial software packages and convey a minimal scientific contribution.

Authors of full papers accepted for the Research Track, the Resources
Track, the In-Use Track, and the Industry Track are explicitly invited to
submit a demonstration. The submission should be formatted as the other
demonstrations but must cite the accepted full paper and needs to include
an explanation of its added value with respect to the conference paper. The
added value could include: a) extended results and experiments not
presented in the conference paper for reasons of space, or b) a
demonstration of a supporting prototype implementation.

Further info:

== Important Dates ==
Submissions due                       June 28, 2019

== Program Chairs ==
Contact: iswc2019-poster-demo at
Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa,  Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and
Ontology Engineering Group (OEG), Spain
Gong Cheng, Nanjing University, China

4. Call for Outrageous Ideas
The Outrageous Ideas track is part of ISWC again! As in 2011 and 2018, this
track is sponsored by the prestigious CCC Blue Sky ideas and it solicits
visionary ideas, long term challenges, and opportunities for the Semantic
Web that are outside of the current topics in the field and are not mature
or specific enough to be accepted in the regular research track. The
contributions will have to have convincing arguments that the proposed
topic is promising as well as relevant, and they should relate, compare, or
contrast their proposition as much as possible to the existing literature
from relevant fields, possibly including fields outside the Semantic Web

We solicit visionary papers with significant impact on the field as well as
outside the field, where the following topics might provide some
 - Actionable and reliable knowledge generation
 - Blockchain and the Semantic Web
 - Deep learning and knowledge graphs
 - Graph embeddings
 - Knowledge cyborgs
 - Knowledge driven virtual reality
 - Knowledge Graphs in Nature
 - Semantic data programming and weak supervision
 - Semantic web and lifelong learning
 - Semantic Web in low resource settings
 - Trust and reliable knowledge on the Web
 - <Your better or outrageous idea here>

Further info:

== Important Dates ==
Submissions due                       June 28, 2019

== Program Chairs ==
Contact: iswc2019-outrageous-idea at
Abraham Bernstein, University of Zürich, Department of Informatics, Zürich,
Maria Keet, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa

5. Call for Workshop papers
ISWC is the premier venue for presenting innovative systems and research
results related to the Semantic Web and Linked Data, attracting a large
number of high quality submissions every year and participants from both
industry and academia. ISWC brings together researchers from different
areas, such as artificial intelligence, databases, natural language
processing, information systems, human computer interaction, information
retrieval, web science, etc., who investigate, develop and use novel
methods and technologies for accessing, interpreting and using information
on the Web in a more effective way.

Besides the main technical program, ISWC will host several workshops on
topics related to the general theme of the conference. The role of the
workshops is to provide a setting for focused, intensive scientific
exchange among researchers and practitioners interested in a specific
topic. As such, workshops are the primary venues for the exploration of
emerging ideas as well as for the discussion of novel aspects of
established research topics.

Find our workshops & deadlines here:

6. Call for Semantic Web Challenges systems
 ISWC 2019 will run multiple Challenges (SWCs) with the aim to evaluate and
compare software solutions for the Semantic Web in a systematic way. Each
SWC will:
 - Define a task to be addressed,
 - Provide a training and a test dataset and
 - Define evaluation measures to compare the performance of participating

Find our challenges & deadlines here:

Looking forward to your submissions & see you all in Auckland!

The ISWC 2019 Organising Team ( )
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