Connectionists: Research Assistant position at Technical University of Denmark - submission deadline 20th April 2019

Silvia Tolu stolu at
Mon Mar 25 10:16:45 EDT 2019

Dear all,

the Technical University of Denmark offers a nine-month research assistantship in the research field of neuro-robotics.

The candidate will be part of a team that is already involved in the framework of the EU Flagship Project “Human Brain Project” (HBP).
The position addresses research in neural computation for robotics systems.

Please find enclosed the pdf with all the necessary information and contact.

Kind regards/ Med venlig hilsen,

Best regards / Med Venlig Hilsen<>,<>

Silvia Tolu

Assistant Professor, PhD
Researcher in Bio-Inspired Robotics

Automation and Control Group
Department of Electrical Engineering
Technical University of Denmark
Richard Petersens Plads
Building 326, room 110
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Direct +45 45253928
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