Connectionists: Two-fully funded PhD scholarships at Trinity College Dublin

Lorijn Zaadnoordijk l.zaadnoordijk at
Tue Mar 5 05:38:36 EST 2019

How does the human mind develop? The FOUNDCOG team will address this question using neuroimaging of infants, in their critical first year after birth, to capture the development of the brain and its functions. We will interpret the results by comparing them to computational models of learning from artificial intelligence. In addition to characterising the development of the human mind, we aim to understand how it is disrupted by brain injury and to produce new diagnostic tools for neonatologists.

Two fully-funded PhD Scholarships are available.

PhD Scholarship in Computational Modelling
* To start September 2019
* Includes fees, stipend and travel for 4 years, with funding from the ERC FOUNDCOG project
* Excellent candidates from outside of the EU will also be considered
* Selection will begin on March 15, 2019 and the position will remain open until filled
 Learn more:

PhD Scholarship in Neuroimaging of Neonatal Brain Injury
* To start September 2019
* Includes fees, stipend and travel for 4 years, with funding from Science Foundation Ireland
* Excellent candidates from outside of the EU will also be considered
* Selection will begin on March 15, 2019 and the position will remain open until filled
 Learn more:

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