Connectionists: CFP SI Structure & Dynamics of Crime in Applied Network Science

hocine cherifi hocine.cherifi at
Thu Jun 13 09:27:27 EDT 2019

*Applied Network Science Special Issue on:*


Crime is ubiquitous and poses a real danger to modern civilized societies.
Recent advances in fields such as criminology, sociology, physics, computer
science, mathematics, and police science have shown that criminal
activities depend strongly on the underlying network of actors involved. In
this sense, the application of Network Science to crime fighting has shown
a great boom in the last few years, establishing a strongly
interdisciplinary community, which has attracted attention not only from
academia but also from law-enforcement and intelligence agencies worldwide.

Network Science has been reshaping the way we think and approach the
criminal phenomenon from basic to applied analysis. In this regard, this
Special Issue aims to collect innovative research on the networked
structure and dynamics of crime, paving the way to a clearer data-driven
understanding of criminality with potential applications to crime fighting.

Papers of broader aspects of crime and their applications will also be
considered as possible contributions for this Special Issue. Survey and
review papers are welcome.

Manuscripts relevant to this special issue include, but are not limited to,
the following:

●      description of criminal networks;

●      data-mining for intelligence purposes;

●      modeling crime interactions;

●      dynamics of terrorist events;

●      disruption of illicit markets;

●      structure of criminal enterprise groups;

●      understanding crime as a complex system;

●      social dynamics and structure of transnational crime;

●      social dynamics of criminal hotspots in cities;

●      use of social media for crime analysis;

●      dynamics of cyber-crime;

●      use of communication data in criminal activity;

●      detection of criminal organizations in cities;

●      social network analysis of co-offending;

●      network-based tools for analyzing crime;

●      sensitivity analysis to investigate missing data and fuzzy

●      spatial networks and their influence on crime patterns;

●      visualization of criminal networks.

*Important dates*
Expression of interest and abstract submission: August 23, 2019
Abstract feedback notification:  September 6, 2019
Paper submission deadline: October 18, 2019.

*Submission Instructions*
We invite authors to submit a brief *expression of interest* containing a
short outline or extended abstract (approx. 1000 words), including the
topic, key concepts, methods, expected results, and conclusions. Abstracts
should be submitted via Easy Chair:


They will be reviewed to determine if the submission is in the scope of
this special issue.


Authors with accepted abstracts will be invited to submit their papers
through the journal submission system for a full review and publication.
Manuscripts can be submitted continuously until the deadline. Once a paper
is submitted, the review process consisting of three peer reviews will
start immediately. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the
journal (in the first issue available as soon as the paper is accepted).
All accepted papers will be listed together in an online virtual special
issue published on the journal website.

*Guest Editors*

Bruno Requião da Cunha, *brunorequiao.brdc at
<brunorequiao.brdc at>*

Federal Police, Brazil and MACSI, University of Limerick, Ireland

Gisela Bichler, *gbichler at <gbichler at>*

California State University, USA

Luiz G. A. Alves, *lgaalves at <lgaalves at>*

Northwestern University, USA

Marcos Oliveira, *moliveira at <moliveira at>*

GESIS, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany

Toby Davies, *toby.davies at <toby.davies at>*

University College London, UK

For more information contact the editors.
*Join us at *:  COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
*Publish your work on:* Applied Network Science
Networks & their Applications
*   Pr Hocine CHERIFI                             *
*   LIB     EA N° 7534                                                  *
*   Faculté des Sciences Mirande            *
*    9 , avenue Alain Savary                     *
*    BP 47870                                           *
*    21078 DIJON    FRANCE                  *
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