Connectionists: Postdoctoral fellowships at the Gatsby Unit

Maneesh Sahani maneesh+connectionists at
Thu Jul 18 17:29:48 EDT 2019

The Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit invites applications for
postdoctoral training fellowships in theoretical neuroscience, machine
learning and related areas.

Fellows will carry out original research under the guidance of a
member of faculty, primarily on one of the current themes of research
listed below, but with scope for additional independent projects where
mutually agreed.

The research themes (and associated faculty mentors) for which
Training Fellowships are currently available are:

    Algorithms and mechanisms of inference and planning under
    uncertainty in neural systems (Maneesh Sahani).
    Decision-making (Peter Latham).
    Inferential models of context-dependent auditory processing
    (Maneesh Sahani).
    Learning, plasticity and Bayesian inference (Peter Latham).
    Statistical and machine-learning approaches to analysis and
    interpretation of population neural data (Maneesh Sahani).
    Bayesian non-parametric methods (Maneesh Sahani/Peter Orbanz).

More information and instructions on how to apply can be found at

Maneesh Sahani, Ph.D.
Professor of Theoretical Neuroscience and Machine Learning,
Director, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit
UCL, 25 Howland Street, London W1T 4JG

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