Connectionists: Complex Human Data Summer School, Melbourne Australia, Dec 15-20 2019

Charles Kemp cskemp at
Fri Jul 12 01:01:41 EDT 2019

Researchers from psychology and other disciplines are increasingly relying
on computational analyses of large data sets to draw conclusions about
human behaviour. This kind of research requires skills that are not often
taught as part of the psychology curriculum. Last year we launched a summer
school to help people collect and analyse complex human data, and we are
running a second iteration of the school this December.

The school is designed for advanced undergraduates, PhD students, and
industry participants. The goal is to give attendees the key skills they
need to collect complex data, model the data, and evaluate their models.
The program interleaves lectures and laptop-based sessions which provide
hands-on experience of the computational tools and approaches to be

Dates: December 15 - 20, 2019

Location: The University of Melbourne, Australia

Topics will include:

    - Programming in R (the main language for the summer school)
    - Best practices for running online studies
    - Reproducibility and Open Science
    - GitHub
    - Exploratory data analysis

along with other topics such as

    - Bayesian data analysis
    - Probabilistic models of cognition
    - Experience sampling

More information about last year's content is at:

This year's content will be slightly different, but the overlap with last
year's summer school will be substantial. Except in unusual cases,
participants from last year should not apply again this year.


    - Simon Dennis
    - Charles Kemp
    - Danielle Navarro
    - Amy Perfors

Other faculty members from the Complex Human Data Hub at Melbourne will
also be involved.

Required background:

Participants are expected to have an interest in psychology and some
experience with computer programming. The school is designed both for
psychologists with an interest in computational approaches and computer
scientists (or people from another technical discipline) with an interest
in psychology. Although we expect that many participants will have earned
or will be working towards a postgraduate degree, a subset of the available
slots will be reserved for advanced undergraduates.


Registration is free for undergraduates and graduate students and $2500 for
industry participants. Participants not from Melbourne can apply for a
scholarship of up to $500 to help defray transport and accommodation costs.

Last year a number of participants arranged funding from their home
institutions and we encourage you to explore this option. International
students are welcome to apply, but scholarships for international
participants are capped at $AUD 500.

How to apply:

Please submit
- A short CV
- A statement of up to 500 words describing your background, your
interests, and what you hope to get out of the summer school
- (optional) If applying for a scholarship, a short statement of financial
need explaining why a scholarship would be especially helpful

Applications should be lodged at

before October 15th, 2019.


For more information:

Please contact Charles Kemp (c.kemp at
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