Connectionists: Postdoc position in Computational Cognitive Neuroscience - TU Dresden

Dimitrije Markovic dimitrije.markovic at
Tue Jul 9 06:43:52 EDT 2019

Dear colleagues,

We are looking for candidates for a four-year post-doctoral position
in Computational Cognitive Neuroscience. The position is part

of the newly established Transregio (TRR) 265 Funding Programme:

"Losing and Regaining Control over Drug Intake: From Trajectories to Mechanisms to Interventions".

The candidates should show strong interest in combining research in cognitive

and computational neuroscience with research in clinical psychology and psychiatry.

The position is an ideal opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary group of researchers,

and contribute to projects investigating computational and neuronal

underpinning of human behaviour.

For further details and application instructions, please see

Note : the application deadline has been extended to 31 July 2019.

Best wishes,
Dimitrije Markovic

Dr. Dimitrije Markovic
Post-Doc at Technische Universität Dresden,
Department of Psychology, Dresden, Germany
Lab website:
Phone: +49-351-463-43146
Personal website:
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