Connectionists: Multiple Tenure track/Tenured Positions @ The Australian National University

Lexing Xie lexingxie at
Sat Jan 19 21:33:11 EST 2019

The ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS) brings bright
minds together to reimagine the role of engineering and computing for
future generations. CECS is a diverse and vibrant community dedicated to
discovery and to making knowledge matter. We research in exciting areas
such as renewable energy, robotics, telecommunications, biomaterials,
human-machine interaction, and artificial intelligence.

The Research School of Computer Science is one of two founding schools of
CECS. This is an exciting time to join our School and be part of a
community that prides itself on solving “wicked problems” in collaboration
with the best minds in the world from across a broad range of disciplines.

We seek applicants who have the potential and deep commitment to help
define the future of their discipline. You will have the opportunity to
present a vision for your research and education, and their importance to
the future of computer science. Applications are particularly invited from
researchers in computer science whose interests align with or complement
existing strengths of the School, whose breadth of vision reaches across
traditional discipline silos, and whose record includes strong links with
external organisations and industry (where appropriate).

We welcome and develop a diversity of backgrounds, experiences and ideas
and encourage applications from individuals who may have had
non-traditional career paths, who may have taken a career break or who have
achieved excellence in careers outside of academia.

There are currently several positions available at Academic Levels B, C,
and D (
which are ongoing (tenured) or tenure track depending on the skills and
experience of the successful candidates. Successful candidates will be
offered individualised attention and be part of a culture with a strong
sense of community to define their own research agendas, apply for
competitive funding, build a research team, and develop their own
laboratory facilities where appropriate. These positions come with a yearly
budget to cover visitors and conference travel as well as significant
start-ups funds to attract the very best applicants.

Salary (AUD): Level B: $98,009-$111,365 plus 17% superannuation, Level C:
$118,044-$131,402 plus 17% superannuation, Level D: $141,416-$150,324 plus
17% superannuation
apply by 10 Feb
contact: Search Committee Chair, Professor Bob Williamson
bob.williamson at

lexing xie, professor
computer science, the australian national University
director of computational media lab
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