Connectionists: [CFP: IWANN'19] Special Session on Data-driven Intelligent Transportation Systems
Daniel Urda Muñoz
daniel.urda at
Fri Jan 11 02:38:45 EST 2019
*** Apologies for cross-posting ***
Dear Colleague,
We would like to cordially invite you to submit a paper for the International Work Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN 2019) Special Session on Data-driven Intelligent Transportation Systems in Las Palmas de Gran Canarias (Spain) 12 to 14 June, 2019.
IWANN 2019 Special Session on Data-driven Intelligent Transportation Systems
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) use the Internet of Things (IoT) and advanced data communication technologies to build an integrated system of people, vehicles and roads. Accurate and real-time traffic related data is required to improve the performance of transportation systems, to monitorize and/or forecast the pollution rate, or to detect traffic congestion or disruption, among many others. In the recent years, the fast growth in technology has allowed the collection and availability of heterogeneous traffic related data, which enables the application of cutting-edge data analytics tools to overcome the latest challenges in this field. This session welcomes recent contributions in all áreas connected to data-driven techniques in ITS which address transport related issues including, but not limited to:
+ Intelligent Transportation Systems and air pollution:
• Neural networks for air quality forecast.
• Prescriptive data analysis for local authorities’ assessment.
• Vehicular air pollution in local urban areas.
• Relationship among multimodal transportation and air pollution.
• Freight distribution in urban contexts.
• Maritime transportation and air pollution
+ Computational intelligence in transportation systems:
• Traffic monitoring and surveillance using convolutional neural networks.
• Neural networks for short-term traffic or flow forecast.
• Disruption and/or disaster management systems.
• Driver assistance systems, autonomous cars.
• Route guidance and optimization through local and real-time vehicle information.
• Intelligent containerization.
• ITS for international transport (e.g., cross-border and transit transport facilitation) and intermodal transport.
+ Sensor and network technology for Intelligent Transportation Systems:
• IoT infrastructure to enhance traffic related data acquisition.
• Computer vision.
• Cybersecurity.
• Wireless sensor networks and communications in vehicles.
• Smart sensors: edge and/or fog computing.
• Data fusion methods for heterogeneous sensors
Paper Submission Deadline
February 1, 2019
Paper acceptance notification date
March 18, 2019
Final paper submission deadline
March 26, 2019
June 12-14, 2019
Ignacio Turias Domínguez - University of Cadiz (Spain) ignacio.turias at <mailto:ignacio.turias at>
David Elizondo - De Montfort University (United Kingdom) elizondo at <mailto:elizondo at>
Francisco Ortega Zamorano - University of Malaga (Spain) fortega at <mailto:fortega at>
Best wishes,
Daniel Urda Muñoz
PI - ASECTI (Big Data & Machine Learning)
Departamento de Ingeniería Informática, Escuela Superior de Ingeniería.
Universidad de Cádiz (Spain)
Avenida de la Universidad de Cádiz, nº 10,
CP 11519, Puerto Real (Cádiz).
ResearcherID: B-2040-2017
ORCID: 0000-0003-2662-798X
Google Scholar: <>
ResearchGate: <>
daniel.urda at <mailto:daniel.urda at>
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